Did Chevron's Lawyers Double-Cross the Oil Company?
Barrett, Paul M. [2014], “Did Chevron's Lawyers Double-Cross the Oil Company?”, Business Week, New York, 19 de febrero, http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-02-19/did-chevrons-lawyers-dou...
"Chevron's own lawyers jeopardize fate of Chevron-Ecuador RICO lawsuit" declares the headline on a blog post by EarthRights International, a nonprofit advocacy group in Washington. The author became aware of the post courtesy of a blast e-mail from Steven Donziger, a New York plaintiffs' attorney who is being sued by Chevron. Donziger and EarthRights are slinging mud at Gibson Dunn in an attempt to confuse interested parties waiting for a verdict in Chevron v. Donziger. Here's the real story: Donziger successfully sued Chevron in Ecuador on behalf of thousands of poor rain-forest farmers and tribe members who blame the US multinational for pollution in the Amazon. Courtroom hostilities that began more than 20 years ago in the US culminated in an historic February 2011 verdict of $19 billion for Donziger's clients, although the amount has since been halved by the Ecuadorian judiciary.