Puerto Rico: Tropical Tax Haven for America's Super-Rich
Burton, Katherine [2014 ], “Puerto Rico: Tropical Tax Haven for America's Super-Rich”, Business Week, New York, 26 de junio, http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-06-26/puerto-rico-tax-haven-fo...
Struggling to emerge from an almost decadelong economic slump, the Puerto Rican government signed a law in early 2012 that creates a tax haven for US citizens. If they live on the island for at least 183 days a year, they pay minimal or no taxes, and unlike with a move to Singapore or Bermuda, Americans don't have to turn in their passports. Puerto Ricans are US citizens but cannot vote in federal elections. About 200 traders, private equity moguls, and entrepreneurs have already moved or committed to moving, according to Puerto Rico's Department of Economic Development & Commerce, and billionaire John Paulson is spearheading a drive to entice others to join them. Puerto Rico's low-tax welcome mat comes as some of the wealthiest Americans grow more anxious about tax increases and rhetoric directed at the rich. The government gives a tax break for businesses that move to Puerto Rico and provide services outside the country, perfect for a hedge fund with clients in New York and London.