U.S. Companies Fear Growing Protectionism in China


Roberts, Dexter [2014], “U.S. Companies Fear Growing Protectionism in China”, Business Week, New York, 03 de septiembre, http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-09-03/chinas-anti-monopoly-pus...

Business Week
Fecha de publicación: 
Miércoles, Septiembre 3, 2014
Idea principal: 

A report by the US-China Business Council shows that 86% of its member companies are concerned about Beijing's antimonopoly enforcement activity, with 30% fearing it will be used against them. China has upped enforcement measures, according to the report, with investigations into the auto industry and "dawn raids" at foreign IT companies. A separate survey released Tuesday by Beijing's American Chamber of Commerce in China found that 60% of respondents believe foreign business is less welcome in China than before, up from 41% late last year. Nearly half of those surveyed said they have been targeted in pricing or anticorruption campaigns.