Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Climate Change Is Ravaging the Colorado River. There’s a Model to Avert the Worst Otra
Weather. Heatwaves and floods around the world may be a taste of years to come. The Economist
Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board Otra
Tech Companies Slowly Shift Production Away From China Otra
Deadly Floods Devastate an Already Fragile Pakistan Otra
Why NASA Is Going Back to the Moon Otra
Paradigmas para enfrentar la crisis ambiental Otra
The elephant in the boardroom. Republicans are falling out of love with America Inc The Economist
Pakistan Hit by Deadly Floods of “Epic Proportions” Otra
GM soya and photosynthesis. A genetic tweak that makes soya plants 20% more productive The Economist
'Nuestra prioridad no es salvar al planeta': el Congo subastará tierras a las petroleras Otra
From inflation to insurrection. Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest The Economist
Sobre cómo los 'lobbies' diluyen el informe climático más importante del mundo Otra
La Guardia Nacional y la cooperación con un Estado genocida Otra
Chain reaction. The structure of the world's supply chains is changing The Economist
Vidas en urgencia: cuerpos, territorios y violencias Otra
This startup wants to copy you into an embryo for organ harvesting Otra
Modification revolution. Science has made a new genetic revolution possible The Economist
El bíos, el geo y la política. Aproximaciones al régimen biopolítico/geopolítico Libro electrónico
Get ready for the rains. What flood-hit Pakistan should learn from Bangladesh The Economist
