Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The embedded firm. Corporate governance, labor, and finance capitalism Libro
Crimes of globalization and the criminological enterprise Libro electrónico
State of corporations Artículo científico
Politics and power in the Multinational Corporation Libro
What in the world is going on? Libro electrónico
The genesis of a governing institution Libro electrónico
Non-financial trasnational corporations behavior compared to those of financial trasnational corporations in the global economy during the crisis Artículo científico
Una teoría sobre el capitalismo global: Producción, clase y Estado en un mundo transnacional Libro
Financial elites and transnational business who rules the world? Libro electrónico
El fin del poder. Empresas que se hunden, militares derrotados, papas que renuncian y gobiernos impotentes: cómo el poder ya no es lo que era Libro
Las multinacionales regionales Libro
¿Tiene futuro el capitalismo? Libro
Global corporations in global governance Libro
Transnational companies and security governance hybrid practices in a postcolonial world Libro electrónico
Saqueo chino Otra
Corporate social responsibility. The halo effect. Do-gooding policies help firms when they get prosecuted The Economist
Bumpkin bosses. Leaders of Western companies are less globally minded than they think they are The Economist
Divestment campaigns. Fight the power. Investors are being pressed to sell their holdings in coal, oil and gas The Economist
Calibrating Chinese creativity. The sceptics exaggerate: in some industries Chinese firms are innovative The Economist
Genetically modified crops. Something fishy. How to make farmed salmon into vegetarians The Economist
