Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Masters of the universe. The rise of the financial machines. Forget Gordon Gekko. Computers increasingly call the shots in financial markets The Economist
Prime Leverage: How Amazon Wields Power in the Technology World Otra
A world without beaches, one way or another the deluge is coming. How to prepare for rising levels The Economist
Warfare in space. America seeks faster ways to launch military satellites The Economist
Measuring the 1%. Economists are rethinking the numbers on inequality. An academic disagreement has big real-world implications The Economist
Marx in the Cloud Libro
The tigers' future. Where do the Asian tiger economies go from here? The Economist
The World Solved the Ozone Problem. It Can Solve Climate Change Otra
Out with the proxies. Proxy advisers come under fire. Not everyone is as pleased as business lobbies The Economist
En la Amazonía no hay ley: el bosque tropical en el primer año de Jair Bolsonaro Otra
The agonising dilemma of Spanish firms in Latin America. Conquistadors in a quandary The Economist
SMB Winning pays $15bn for rights to Guinea's iron mountain. The Chinese-led consortium faces challenges to exploit one of the world’s biggest iron-ore deposits The Economist
Finding Truth Online Is Hard Enough Otra
Asian tigers. After half a century of success, the Asian tiger must reinvent themselves The Economist
The lives of the 0.0001%. Have billionaires accumulated their wealth illegitimately? The economics of billionaires The Economist
Absolute Capitalism Artículo científico
Así ayudó McKinsey al gobierno de Trump a ejecutar sus políticas migratorias Otra
Al acelerarse el cambio climático, el mundo está ‘peligrosamente cerca’ de cambios irreversibles Otra
La OTAN ve ahora a China como un posible oponente Otra
Hacia un nuevo espacio neofascista global Otra
