Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Gender in international business journals: A review and conceptualization of MNCs as gendered social spaces Artículo científico
La Tierra se calienta, los Andes se derriten Otra
The digital side of the Belt and Road Initiative is growing The Economist
China is making substantial investment in ports and pipelines worldwide The Economist
The digital divide. Different views of AI fuel distrust between China and America The Economist
La 'década ganada' de los grupos económicos ecuatorianos Otra
The green swan. Central banking and finantial stability in the age of climate change Libro electrónico
The Superpowers of Super-Thin Materials Otra
Data. China's success at AI has relied on good data. But cheap labour has also played an important part The Economist
Esta vez sí: 2020 será un año decisivo para la protección del clima Otra
Macao, el modelo de China para controlar ciudades rebeldes Otra
Bioengineering. Robots that come alive. A research team builds robots from living cells The Economist
La compañía misteriosa que podría acabar con la privacidad que conocemos Otra
The future. Technological progress in China could still lead to fireworks. Is a showdown likely with America? The Economist
Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute Artículo científico
How to block blazes. The lessons from Australia's fires. Other countries are vulnerable The Economist
Cyber-security. Huawei is a cyber-security risk. But risks can be managed The Economist
Microprocessors. China is slowly moving up the microprocessing value chain The Economist
Soluciones climáticas: tecnologías para frenar el cambio climático Otra
Technology and society. Pessimism v progress The Economist
