Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Windfall. The Booming Business of Global Warming Libro electrónico
The blame game. Amid the pandemic, Sino-American relations are worsening The Economist
Tiempo para el cuidado. El trabajo de cuidados y la crisis global de desigualdad Otra
Are data more like oil or sunlight? The question highlights the many different faces of data The Economist
El trabajo no remunerado que realizan las mujeres tiene un valor de 10.900.000.000.000 dólares Otra
Opinion: Putin's historic oil misstep Business Week
The data economy. A deluge of data is giving rise to a new economy The Economist
In denial: The spin machine upending the climate consensus Otra
To Track Coronavirus, Israel Moves to Tap Secret Trove of Cellphone Data Otra
What Coronavirus teaches us About Climate Change Otra
The Original Long Islanders Fight to Save Their Land From a Rising Sea Otra
In Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code, With Red Flags Otra
Estimating the arms sales of Chinese companies Otra
Covid-19 is foisting changes on business that could be beneficial. CEOs should be aware of the potential opportunities The Economist
Crises are fueling the global arms trade: SIPRI report Otra
The CEO who loved me. Spies often use businesses as cover. It can end in tears The Economist
¿Puede ser el feminismo la fuerza social que ponga freno a la crisis climática? Otra
Facing the Anthropocene. Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System Libro electrónico
Red plateau. Apple's Chinese troubles. The coronavirus is just the start The Economist
The Nordic model is a disaster for the environment Otra
