Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Crashing Economy, Rising Stocks: What's Going On? Otra
How to feed the planet. The global food supply chain is passing a severe test The Economist
As China goes global, its banks are coming out, too The Economist
Crewed space flight. Another step towards returning people to Earth's satellite The Economist
The Corporate State. State of Power 2020 Otra
El gobierno de Maduro: ¿cada vez más cercado por invasores extranjeros? Otra
ONU confirma la presencia de mercenarios rusos en Libia Otra
The problematic politics of climate change. Why tackling global warming is a challenge without precedent The Economist
Did this virus come from a lab? Maybe not — but it exposes the threat of a biowarfare arms race Otra
Tear down this wall. Microsoft embraces big data The Economist
Spore wars The havoc wrought by covid-19 will spark new concern over bio-weapons The Economist
West-coast shuffle. Big tech is thriving in the midst of the recession The Economist
Learning to Die in the Anthropocene Libro
Ganancias por encima de todo: la compañía productora de cerdos más grande del mundo propaga la pandemia global Otra
I Could Solve Most of Your Problems': Eric Schmidt's Pentagon Offensive Otra
Green tomorrow. Why every Norwegian ecowarrior has 200,000 petrodollars The Economist
The US military's plans to cement its network of African bases Otra
Visible and vocal. Delivery apps have transformed urban life in China The Economist
China recurre a un control social al estilo de Mao para frenar el coronavirus Otra
Will China sit again at the heart of its own cosmos? The Economist
