Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Geopolitics. How the West got China wrong. It bet that China would head towards democracy and the market economy. The gamble has failed The Economist
Arms Industry Artículo científico
How the West got China wrong. Decades of optimism about China’s rise have been discarded. Clear thinking and a united front are needed, but they may not be forthcoming The Economist
Twin troubles. An arcane business structure loses its charm. Dual-nationality arrangements for blue-chip companies such as Unilever are dying out The Economist
Turning politics up to 11. Russian disinformation distorts American and European democracy. The Mueller indictment reveals some of the Kremlin's tactics The Economist
Surveillance Capitalism. Monopoly-Finance Capital, the Military-Industrial Complex, and the Digital Age Artículo científico
Sharing components. Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi has become the world's biggest carmaker. The job of drawing it even closer together will be tricky The Economist
A good, clean fight. Global powers need to take the geopolitics out of energy. Collaboration and localisation will help The Economist
When the sun sets on oil. The Middle East and Russia are ill-prepared for a low-carbon future The Economist
Commercialised occupation skills: Israeli security experience as an international brand Otra
Xi v Marshall. Will China's Belt and Road Initiative outdo the Marshall Plan? How China's infrastructure projects around the world stack up against America's plan to rebuild post-war Europe The Economist
Military applications. Mutually assured detection. Better anti-submarine warfare will mean fewer places for subs to hide The Economist
An Eco-Revolutionary Tipping Point? Artículo científico
How to be a Dadaist troll. Inside the Internet Research Agency’s lie machine. Serving up fake news for Mr Putin’s chef The Economist
Are China's state giants reformable? SASAC, the Chinese agency that oversees a hundred or so state-owned enterprises, sets out its case. The Economist
The end of the Military-Industrial Complex: How the Pentagon Is Adapting to Globalization? Artículo científico
Jets, but no pilots. For the Gulf states, diplomacy involves buying weapons they don't need. They have agreed to arms deals worth billions of dollars in the past year The Economist
Computer science. Making quantum computers reliable. Quality over quantity The Economist
Thar's coal in the desert. Pakistan's biggest private-sector firm bets on a fabled coal mine. Just 1% of the vast reserve discovered in 1992 could supply a fifth of the country's current energy generation for half a century The Economist
Prospecting from space. Searching for lithium deposits with satellites. There's lithium in them hills The Economist
