Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Painting the map green. As China gets tough on pollution, will its economy suffer? The received wisdom was that greener growth would be slower. So far, that hasn't happened The Economist
Grey matter, red tape. In search of serendipity. How obstacles to workable brain-computer interfaces may be overcome The Economist
Headache. Reading the brain from the outside. Can brain activity be deciphered without opening up the skull? The Economist
Prospectors, barons and suits. Multinationals move in to Colombia's emerald mountains. They offer steady jobs, but some miners would rather hunt stones on their own The Economist
Low-carb diet. Companies are moving faster than many governments on carbon pricing. Nearly 1,400 firms globally with combined revenues of $7trn already use, or soon will, 'internal carbon prices' The Economist
2018 will be the year that big, incumbent companies take on big tech. Conventional firms have at last got their technology act together The Economist
BlackRock v Blackstone. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the mightiest finance tycoon of them all? The Economist
Algorithm is gonna get you. All the buzz at AI’s big shindig. Machine learning's big event The Economist
A deal that Donald dislikes. Is AT&T's bid for Time Warner vague or Machiavellian? The suitor's waffly rationale for the deal suggests the former The Economist
Space flight. The biggest rocket in the world prepares for its maiden voyage. Even bigger ones are in the offing The Economist
Artificial intelligence. How soon will computers replace The Economist's writers? We've got a few years left, at least The Economist
Net wars. A vote on 'net neutrality' has intensified a battle over the internet's future America's. FCC repeals Obama-era rules that ensure all web traffic is treated equally The Economist
Ghost in the machine. Rio Tinto puts its faith in driverless trucks, trains and drilling rigs. But will it stop the mining firm from splurging on over-priced acquisitions? The Economist
Can China’s Companies Conquer the World? The Overlooked Importance of Corporate Power Artículo científico
Mapa de proyectos de geoingeniería Otra
Firms under fire. The big companies caught up in South Africa's 'state capture' scandal. Doing business with the Guptas can seriously damage your reputation The Economist
A new branch of government. China gets a new system to curb corruption—and ideological lapses. The Communist Party gives itself more policing and judicial powers The Economist
Awry in the sky. China has won battles against air pollution, but not the war. Fierce restrictions on the use of coal have got it only so far The Economist
The whizz of Oz. Australia is the new frontier for battery minerals. China's electric-vehicle industry is piling in, as are speculators The Economist
Pepper-uppers. Japan is embracing nursing-care robots. Around 5,000 nursing-care homes across the country are testing robots The Economist
