Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Selling rides, not cars. Self-driving cars will require new business models. Carmakers, tech companies and ride-hailing firms are all fighting for a piece of the action The Economist
Disarmageddon. Despite North Korea, arms control is unravelling. Complacent, reckless leaders have forgotten how valuable it is to restrain nuclear weapons The Economist
Block the call. T-Mobile and Sprint plan to combine. Regulators should squash plans for a big telecoms merger in America The Economist
DeFANGed? Big tech is growing, but so is investors' caution. For years American tech giants were treated as a single asset class. No more The Economist
America's antitrust apparatus prepares to act against big tech. A University of Chicago conclave of experts debates how far to go The Economist
Command and control. Antitrust with Chinese characteristics. The country's competition regulators are getting more activist on global deals The Economist
Thinking outside the box. The global logistics business is going to be transformed by digitization. This will be bad news for some The Economist
Situation vacant. Gina Haspel must give answers before becoming the CIA boss. Would she torture again? The Economist
The East is green. China is rapidly developing its clean-energy technology. There is plenty of room for international co-operation on the environment The Economist
Life on the edge. The era of the cloud's total dominance is drawing to a close The Economist
Seeking 'energy dominance'. The shale boom could prove a double-edged sword for America. Extracting more oil and gas from shale has increased America’s influence abroad, but not all for the good The Economist
Drawing the battle lines. America's gripes with China make a deal hard to imagine. At the heart of the disagreement is China's industrial policy The Economist
A silk road through ice. China wants to be a polar power. It would like a bigger say in the Arctic The Economist
A burning issue in Africa. Africa's big carbon emitters admit they have a problem. Can they continue developing and still uphold the Paris climate agreement? The Economist
Dismantling Deutsche Bank. Should one of the world's largest banks be wound down? The danger is that Deutsche staggers on, cloaked in German patriotism The Economist
The relationship between globalization and militarism Artículo científico
A fine habit. Qualcomm is fined for anti-competitive practices—again. The European Commission slaps the chipmaker with a penalty of $1.2bn The Economist
Spreading life to other planets. Colonising the galaxy is hard. Why not send bacteria instead? Seeding alien worlds with terrestrial life is now being discussed The Economist
Children of Merkel. Where does Germany go from here? German politics has become too quiet. It needs more democratic rough-and-tumble The Economist
Cracking on. America's chemicals industry is booming. But politics may get in its way. It is one of America's largest export sectors, but it will suffer in a trade war The Economist
