Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Battle-lines drawn. A full-blown trade war between America and China looks likely. As Donald Trump threatens further tariffs on Chinese imports, the prospect of a deal is receding The Economist
Thought experiments. How brains and machines can be made to work together. Brain-computer interfaces sound like the stuff of science fiction. Andrew Palmer sorts the reality from the hype The Economist
No longer just catch-up. China will soon have air power rivalling the West's. In some technologies, it has surpassed it The Economist
How does Chinese tech stack up against American tech? Silicon Valley may not hold onto its global superiority for much longer The Economist
In heaven as it is on Earth. The new space race. Events in space reflect those back home The Economist
America v China. The battle for digital supremacy. America's technological hegemony is under threat from China The Economist
The other kind of leaking. There is no guaranteed defence against ballistic missiles –yet. Someone ought to explain this to the commander-in-chief The Economist
In deep water. The murky future of two Latin American oil giants. Brazil's Petrobras and Mexico's Pemex might be heading for more state meddling The Economist
Michel Foucault's lessons for business. Forget McKinsey. A Gallic intellectual is the key to controlling how companies are perceived The Economist
Playing with fire. Google runs into more flak on artificial intelligence. Its employees have won concessions on AI work for America's military The Economist
Don't crash it. Could a trade war derail global growth? Rising tariffs are the worst of many threats to the world economy The Economist
Muslims but not brothers. Saudi Arabia turns against political Islam. The crown prince tries to reform Wahhabism and isolate the Muslim Brotherhood The Economist
On the solarcoaster. Can the solar industry survive without subsidies? A crackdown on feed-in-tariffs in China has sent shock waves through the business globally The Economist
Free as a bird. Passenger drones are a better kind of flying car. Could the dream of soaring above the traffic come true? The Economist
Innocence lost. Germany becomes the last big Western power to buy killer robots. For now, the drones will not be armed The Economist
Fire arrows. A Chinese company plans to launch a rocket into orbit this year. It will use solid fuel—a first for commercial space flight The Economist
Climate change. Extracting carbon dioxide from the air is possible. But at what cost? The power of negative thinking The Economist
High-tech weaponry. Russia’s new nuclear weapons are technically plausible… but practically dubious The Economist
Present at the destruction. Donald Trump is undermining the rules-based international order. There may be short-term wins for America but there will be long-term damage to the world The Economist
Baltics beware. Russia's conventional forces outgun NATO near its borders. The Atlantic alliance is ill-prepared to deter Russian aggression The Economist
