Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Global problems, local solutions? California leads subnational efforts to curb climate change. Local authorities and companies are crucial if global carbon-emissions targets are to be met The Economist
Suing spies. America's government is putting foreign cyber-spies in the dock. Some of its own hackers are not pleased The Economist
The Military-Industrial Complex and US Military Spending After 9/11 Artículo científico
America can't control the global flow of ideas. History has not been kind to countries' attempts at hoarding intellectual property The Economist
A tale of 19 mega-cities. China is trying to turn itself into a country of 19 super-regions. The planned city clusters are far larger than any others around the world The Economist
Feeding frenzy. Alibaba and Tencent have become China's most formidable investors. Their gorging is shaping the next shoal of startup The Economist
The New American Way of War. Military culture and the political utility of force Libro electrónico
Corporate soldiers and international security: the rise of private military companies Libro electrónico
The methane mystery. Scientists struggle to explain a worrying rise in atmospheric methane. A potent greenhouse gas The Economist
Truth and power. Should the tech giants be liable for content? Tech platforms are not neutral. Turning them into censors does not solve that problem The Economist
How to reform the world's biggest piggy-banks. Singapore offers a model for running sovereign-wealth funds well The Economist
Hacia un análisis feminista y dialéctico de la globalización neoliberal: el peso del complejo militar-industrial sobre las 'mujeres globales' Artículo científico
How Shareholders Win When Companies Change the World Otra
Machine learning. A sense of curiosity is helpful for artificial intelligence. Another approach to training machines The Economist
Quantum spring. The race is on to dominate quantum computing. But the technology may face a winter before it enters its summer The Economist
Mujeres, globalización y movimiento internacional de mujeres Libro electrónico
Russia under Putin. The struggle for Russia is just beginning. Although Vladimir Putin is at the height of his power, Russia's elites are already jockeying for position The Economist
Cleaner than thou. More solar power hurts nuclear energy. But it also hurts itself. It is not a good time to be producing power round the clock The Economist
The U.S. Imperial Triangle and Military Spending Artículo científico
Compromised defences. ING and Danske Bank are in the spotlight for their handling of dirty money. The scandals expose gaps in the EU's anti-money-laundering regime The Economist
