Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Así funciona una fábrica de censura en China Otra
¿Qué busca China en el lado oculto de la Luna? Otra
¿Quién controla el futuro? Libro
Military misunderstandings. More worrying than a US-China trade war is the risk of a hot one. Better communication between their armed forces would help avoid one. The Economist
Las odiseas espaciales de 2019 Otra
Parleying with the PLA. The US and Chinese armies struggle to learn how to talk to each other. A big problem is China's unwillingness to open up. The Economist
War profiteering. Will China's rivals benefit from the trade war? Integrated supply chains mean China cannot easily be replaced The Economist
Capitalismo big tech. ¿Welfare o neofeudalismo digital? Libro
A worldwide web in space. Satellites may connect the entire world to the internet. But business challenges and technical problems remain The Economist
Super-help for the super-rich. Family offices become financial titans. The growing ranks of billionaires' in-house investment teams The Economist
Investing and the super-rich. How the 0.001% invest. The family offices through which the world's wealthiest 0.001% invest are a new force in global finance that few have heard of The Economist
The search for life on Mars. New results suggest there is no methane on Mars. Living organisms are thus less likely. The Economist
The opening Dell. Michael Dell plots his return to the public market. The largest private firm has an updated vision for computing's future. The Economist
The Doomsday book. A government report outlines what a warmer world means for America. The president of that government then dismisses its findings The Economist
The great inaction. Why is climate change so hard to tackle? A problem of unprecedented scope and intractability, to which current responses are unequal The Economist
The green House effect. Democrats and a climate-change dilemma. Should Democrats pursue the best policy, or the one that does them least political damage? The Economist
Verdant and vibrant. Green asset classes are proliferating. Green financial assets are a small but significant share of the total The Economist
The 9 companies behind de A.I. acquisition boom Otra
Conquering carbon dioxide. What would it take to decarbonise the global economy? Lots of clean electricity and a revolutionary shift towards the lightest gas, writes Henry Tricks The Economist
Decarbonised capitalism. From hot air to action. Hope for mankind is not yet lost The Economist
