Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Decarbonising industry. How to get the carbon out of industry. Steel and cement plants have long lifespans, so change needs to start now The Economist
Chip shot. An American ban defangs a nascent Chinese chip champion. Fujian Jinhua could have become too vital in America's military supply-chain The Economist
Superpowers and technology. Chip wars: China, America and silicon supremacy. America cannot afford to ignore China's semiconductor ambitions. It cannot simply tame them, either The Economist
Unmasking A.I.'s Bias Problem. Artificial intelligence can imitate and enhance human decision-making - and amplify human prejudices. Can Big Tech tackle A.I.'s discrimination problem? Otra
Nuclear weapons. America tears up an arms treaty, and harms itself. A farewell to arms control The Economist
Pies in the sky. Fast food via drone takes flight. Delivery by drone no longer seems fanciful The Economist
America v Europe. Dynamism has declined across Western economies. Fewer new firms are being started and America's opening to the world has stalled The Economist
G20: Digital change and gig economy rewire the world of work Otra
¿Por qué los científicos están tan molestos con los primeros bebés Crispr? Otra
Gaining wisdom, marching forward. Chinese investment, and influence, in Europe is growing. The EU is, at last, beginning to take notice The Economist
Ethics and autonomous vehicles. Whom should self-driving cars protect in an accident? Women and children first. Dogs before criminals The Economist
The retreat from meat. Why people in rich countries are eating more vegan food. The further they go, the better The Economist
The baby crisperer. The era of human gene-editing may have begun. Why that is worrying. A Chinese scientist claims to have edited the genomes of twin baby girls. The Economist
Serfs up. Worries about the rise of the gig economy are mostly overblown. But it poses a challenge for tax and benefit systems The Economist
Staring down the barrel. Royal Dutch Shell tries to reckon with climate change. The oil major is the first in its industry to tie bosses' pay to emission The Economist
Unholy alliance. Carlos Ghosn's arrest shows the merits of a carmakers' merger. The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance is tarnished for good. The Economist
Game on. Russia and China hold the biggest military exercises for decades. America should beware The Economist
Geopolitics. Why Russia and China's joint military exercises should worry the West. They hold a mirror to Donald Trump's undermining of America's allies The Economist
Climate change. The latest report on global warming makes grim reading. And what hope it does offer risks being frittered away Fuente The Economist
Crazy Work Hours and Lots of Cameras: Silicon Valley Goes to China Otra
