Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Has finance been fixed? The world has not learned the lessons of the financial crisis. Banks are safer, but too much of what has gone wrong since 2008 could happen again. The Economist
The Sociology of War and Violence Libro electrónico
Military Contractors & the American Way of War Otra
Whirlybirds are go. Future helicopters will fly in new ways. Pilots will be optional The Economist
The new geography of innovation. Why startups are leaving Silicon Valley. Its primacy as a technology hub is on the wane. That is cause for concern The Economist
Buyers' market. The global arms trade is booming. Buyers are spoiled for choice. Increased competition between suppliers means buyers have the upper hand The Economist
Enigma variations. Alibaba tweaks a controversial legal structure. Jack Ma's role in the firm's 'variable interest entities The Economist
Weltmacht und Weltgeld. Die ökonomische Funktion der US-Militärmaschine im globalen Kapitalismus und die Hintergründe der neuen Finanzkrise Artículo científico
Taking aim at China. How to safeguard national security without scaring off investment. It is hard when the lines between friends and foe are blurred The Economist
“Full spectrum dominance”: US national security doctrine in the new global security environment Libro electrónico
Cheques and balances. Silicon Valley gets queasy about Chinese money. China's ability to invest billions into American startups looks uncertain The Economist
Clash of the titans. Chinese and US tech giants go at it in emerging markets. Colossi such as Facebook and Tencent have never competed directly. Until now The Economist
Alibaba v. Tencent: The Battle for Supremacy in China Otra
Gateway to the globe. China has a vastly ambitious plan to connect the world. What is behind the Belt and Road Initiative The Economist
The Military-Industrial Complex Artículo científico
A new school in Chicago. How regulators can prevent excessive concentration online. Conventional antitrust thinking is being disrupted from within The Economist
Money overboard. Politicians are vying to splurge defence funds on boats. Not just a sign of machismo, but of great-power competition The Economist
Planetary science. Astronomers have found a lake on Mars. It's 20km across and 1.5km beneath the southern polar ice cap The Economist
Security screening. America and the EU are both toughening up on foreign capital. Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker share suspicions of Chinese investment The Economist
All under heaven. China's belt-and-road plans are to be welcomed—and worried about. The 'project of the century' may help some economies, but at a political cost The Economist
