Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Peering inside the Permian. The shale boom has made America the world's top oil producer. Fracking firms are over their free-spending years but new challenges loom The Economist
Beyond boom and bust? America's shale industry faces constraints. The limits of being an oil superpower The Economist
Down in the dumps. The poor world and the rich world face different problems with their waste. Systems in both are improving but all are under strain The Economist
Exit the dragon. A Chinese ban on rubbish imports is shaking up the global junk trade. But the ban could help the West improve its recycling systems The Economist
Modern-day alchemy. Businesses are trying to reduce, reuse and recycle. Turning the vicious cycle into a virtuous one The Economist
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 2018. La inversión y las nuevas políticas industriales Libro electrónico
Why Europe should focus on its growing interdependence with Africa. Sealing the Mediterranean will not work The Economist
The Military’s Business: Designing Military Power for the Future
The Modern Mercenary. Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order Libro electrónico
Feminist Perspectives on Militarism and War: Critiquies, Contradictions, and Collusions Libro electrónico
A spectre is haunting China. Officials in Beijing worry about Marx-loving students. They remember what happened when a librarian called Mao became inspired by the philosopher The Economist
Sahel or high water. France may take the lead in fighting jihadists. But they risk propping up authoritarian regimes The Economist
AI, EU, go. How Europe can improve the development of AI. Its real clout comes from its power to set standards The Economist
Big data, small politics. Can the EU become another AI superpower? Taking on America and China will be hard The Economist
Las nuevas formas de la guerra y el cuerpo de las mujeres Libro electrónico
Defending America in Mixed Company: Gender in the U.S. Armed Forces Artículo científico
Ma where he came from? China will struggle to produce another Jack Ma. No entrepreneur has defined the country's transformation like Alibaba's founder The Economist
Command and control. China's tech founders mostly keep an iron grip over their firms. Jack Ma's graceful exit from Alibaba is unusual The Economist
Tariffs may well bring some high-tech manufacturing back to America. But ordinary Americans will feel little if any benefit The Economist
Trump Has Put the U.S. and China on the Cusp of a New Cold War Otra
