Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
In the line of fire. The world is losing the war against climate change. Rising energy demand means use of fossil fuels is heading in the wrong direction. The Economist
In deep water. Djibouti risks dependence on Chinese largesse. China is remaking one of Africa's tiniest countries with billions of dollars in loans The Economist
Atoms for peace. The world relies on Russia to build its nuclear power plants. And Russia is happy to oblige The Economist
The art of the possible. There is no single solution to making the internet more decentralised. Stopping the internet from getting too concentrated will be a slog, but the alternative would be worse The Economist
Capital control. Europeans fret that Chinese investment is a security risk They worry that the Chinese government is gaining control of crucial technology firms and infrastructure. The Economist
Tech firms are suddenly the corporate world's biggest investors. Apple's new headquarters has created 13,000 new construction jobs The Economist
Space travel. An out-of-control Chinese space station will soon fall to Earth. No one will be hurt. Probably The Economist
The Private Space Race: By the Numbers Otra
Remarks by Vice President Pence on the Future of the U.S. Military in Space Otra
Into the breach. Defence companies target the cyber-security market. Demand for cyber-products is growing at twice the rate of that for military hardware The Economist
High fines, meagre results. Google's Android fine is not enough to change its behaviour The Economist
Military aviation. Tomorrow's squadron leaders will be accompanied by drones. Welcome to the wingbot The Economist
Goblin metals. What if China corners the cobalt market? Nickel could make a good substitute—provided car batteries don’t catch fire The Economist
Do buy. How Dubai became a model for free trade, openness and ambition. And now the desert emirate wants to help colonise Mars The Economist
Shooting ahead. With the Tempest, Britain bids to lead the world in fighter jets The Economist
The long hot summer. Heat is causing problems across the world. Worryingly, such weather events may not remain unusual The Economist
Antitrust theatre. Google is fined €4.3bn in the biggest-ever antitrust penalty The Economist
Ocean internet. Sailing the wired seas. An internet infrastructure is being built to span the oceans The Economist
History's biggest firms. What 19th-century opium dealers and 1970s telecoms monopolies can teach Silicon Valley The Economist
War is peace. In its trade war with America, China dials down the hype. Xi Jinping is worried that anti-Trump rhetoric could be counter-productive The Economist
