Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Waiting for the backlash. Can Muhammad bin Salman's gamble work? The Saudi crown prince has antagonised clerics, princes and businessmen The Economist
Jihad's next battleground. The fight against Islamic State is moving to Africa. Violent Islamist groups are gaining strength in the Sahel. A report from Nigeria and Niger. The Economist
Planning manoeuvres. China considers its response to Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs. Though America has more firepower, China can still do it a lot of damage—at a cost to itself The Economist
A U.S.-China Grand Bargain? The Hard Choice between Military Competition and Accommodation Artículo científico
Hollywood ending. Can Netflix please investors and still avoid the techlash? Its content consumes 20% of the world's downstream bandwidt The Economist
The ultimate walled garden. China has the world’s most centralised internet system. A perfect example of a Hamiltonian internet for maximum control The Economist
A wild ride. Radical reforms in Saudi Arabia are changing the Gulf and the Arab world. The crown prince is liberalising social norms and the economy, but clamping down on political dissent, says Anton La Guardia The Economist
The new Caliphate. Jihadists are trying to take over the Sahel. The West should help local governments hold the line The Economist
The ins and outs. How to fix what has gone wrong with the internet The Economist
The Saudi revolution begins. How to ensure Muhammad bin Salman's reforms succeed. The crown prince's boldness could transform the Arab world for the better. Failure would bring more chaos The Economist
More knock-on than network. The story of the internet is all about layers. How the internet lost its decentralised innocence The Economist
Military communications. A new type of battlefield network is in development. It is harder to knock out than existing systems The Economist
Theatre of war. As its trade tussle with America heats up, China is on the back foot The Economist
Donald v the OPEC dons. The American president is stirring up trouble in a volatile oil market. If he cannot arm-twist OPEC, he may unleash America's Special Petroleum Reserve The Economist
The television will be revolutionised. Netflix is moving television beyond time-slots and national markets. It may make screen-based entertainment a winner-takes-most business The Economist
Insecurity complex. Gulf states fear being encircled by Iran and abandoned by America. Alliances are shifting and Gulf leaders are even making up with Israel The Economist
FAANGs v BATs. America's tech giants vie with China's in third countries. The most titanic commercial battle in the world The Economist
Raiders of the killer dapp. Blockchain technology may offer a way to re-decentralise the internet. Startups want to remake the internet with blockchain The Economist
Contracting out War?: Private Military Companies, Law and Regulation in the United Kingdom Artículo científico
Breaking the curse. Why Gulf economies struggle to wean themselves off oil. Crude still accounts, on average, for 80% of government revenues in the region The Economist
