Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Putin's pipeline. The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is a Russian trap. And Germany has fallen into it The Economist
Conglomerates will never die out, but their form is evolving. As industrial conglomerates break up, tech firms are bulking up The Economist
After the deluge. Business and the effects of global warming. The Economist
Exploring the cosmos. The problems of flying to Mars. Astronauts will have to worry about space radiation—and also each other The Economist
Business risk. Climate change and the threat to companies. Firms urgently need to rethink how they approach climate risk The Economist
Protection rocket. Saudi Arabia’s missile race. A new rocket factory is stoking fears of nuclear proliferation The Economist
The new aristocrats of power The Economist
Russian state TV shows map of potential US nuclear targets Otra
Pandas can fly. The struggle to reform China’s economy The Economist
El futuro del transporte: viajar en un tubo a casi 1000 kilómetros por hora Otra
Trade War, Water War: The Untold Truths of the Trump-Xi Tariffs Otra
Las plataformas transforman nuestros modos de leer Otra
Making it in America. American manufacturing companies have a spring in their step. The scaling back of Foxconn's plans to make televisions in Wisconsin is offset by other good new The Economist
Wondering about the Earth Otra
Laser tag. The Pentagon wants satellites with laser beams attached to their heads. Missile-interceptors in space could protect America, but at a galactic cost The Economist
High-Tech Domination and the US-China Trade War: AI Is Cheapening Authoritarian Governance Otra
The paper Euro-army. France and Germany are pushing rival models for defence co-operation. Neither is very ambitious The Economist
Swanning in. Intel's new boss leads a firm that is both thriving and troubled. It dominates PC and server chips. But its core business has misfired of late The Economist
Dirty money. Illicit financial flows are hard to stop. They are even harder to measure The Economist
Chinese firms are not all serial intellectual-property thieves. Greater inventiveness in China is prompting more respect for IP The Economist
