Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
¿Por qué Amazon se retira de China?
Facebook, Google and a dark age of surveillance capitalism Otra
Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the Corporation Artículo científico
China throws a revealing party for the anniversary of its navy. Its maritime ambitions are becoming more evident The Economist
Ten Propositions on the War Economy Artículo científico
A trap of one's own. China tries to calm jitters about the 'Belt and Road' initiative. Though belt-and-road lending is worrisome, it is not malevolent. The real problem is overreach The Economist
Necrocapitalism Artículo científico
Grandma's little helper. An ageing world needs more resourceful robots. Rather than take people's jobs, machines will help care for them in their old age The Economist
BB&T merges with SunTrust. The biggest bank merger since the crisis may herald more. American banking has become a battle of scale The Economist
The invisible border. Technology could make a hard border disappear, but at a cost. Background surveillance would need to be high The Economist
Una victoria para Trump: las empresas reconsideran su permanencia en China Otra
The influence business. Lobbying in Donald Trump's Washington. Advancing corporate America's interests is no easier under the CEO president The Economist
Careful what you wish for. Mark Zuckerberg says he wants more regulation for Facebook. He might just get it The Economist
Google and the ethics of business in China For American firms, it feels like a Chinese burn The Economist
The big freeze. Carmakers scramble to prepare for a chilly future. Alliances and cost-cutting may not be enough to cope with upheavals to come The Economist
Restraining the robots. Autonomous weapons and the new laws of war. A technology that may prove hard to restrain The Economist
Corporate crises. Scandals suggest standards have slipped in corporate America. Boeing, Goldman Sachs and Facebook are among the companies in hot water The Economist
The learning machine. Amazon's empire rests on its low-key approach to AI. Unflashy but high-powered machine learning powers everything from its fulfilment centres to the cloud The Economist
One month, 500,000 face scans: How China is using A.I. to profile a minority Otra
A Comparison of the Director Networks of the Main Listed Companies in France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States Artículo científico
