Bibliografías recientes

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Histórica multa a Facebook en EE. UU. con 5.000 millones
How to fix Nature and avoid human misery: UN report Otra
Pinch points. The technology industry is rife with bottlenecks. The US-China tech cold war is making companies more aware of them than ever The Economist
Clandestine warfare. Submarine-launched drone platoons will soon be emerging from the sea. Commando operations are about to be robotised The Economist
Orbital ecosystem. A new business in small satellites orbiting the Earth. Looking at the Earth from above The Economist
Apple Moves Mac Pro Production to China. The $6,000 desktop computer had been the company's only major device assembled in the U.S. Otra
Trump Is Losing His Trade Wars. The pain is real, but the coerción isn't Otra
How to Lose a Trade War Otra
Surveillance technology. America mulls regulating facial recognition. The rare issue that unites left and right The Economist
Riding high. America's expansion is now the longest on record. What could bring it to an end? The Economist
In high detail. Using AI to speed up the processing of space images. Where no neural network has gone before The Economist
'Surveillance capitalism': critic urges Toronto to abandon smart city project Otra
The silicon tightrope. Taiwan's computing titans are caught up in the US-China tech war. They would rather remain in the shadows The Economist
Cracking the shells. The war on money-launderers' vehicle of choice intensifies. Some of the biggest offshore centres are increasing transparency about ownership The Economist
Blue-collar capitalists. Employee ownership has a lot going for it. But not if it becomes over-politicised The Economist
Weapons of mass disruption. America is deploying a new economic arsenal to assert its power. That is counterproductive and dangerous The Economist
Policing and technology. America is turning against facial-recognition software. But that isn't the most promising use of technology The Economist
Cuando las tierras raras se convierten en un arma
The Key Definitions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) That Explain Its Importance Otra
The balance of processing power. An American ban hits China's supercomputer industry. It may not knock it out The Economist
