Bibliografías recientes

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You first. Should America rule out first use of nuclear weapons? Elizabeth Warren thinks so. America's allies do not The Economist
Gigantes tecnológicos se quejan por impuesto francés Otra
Stuck in the Middle Kingdom. Tencent and other Chinese tech firms are reporting decent results. But the trade war is making them more inward-looking The Economist
How to beat Bezos. Baby Amazons take on their American role model. They are not as impotent as it might seem The Economist
China intenta enseñarle a Trump de economía Otra
YouTube ayudó al surgimiento de la derecha y la radicalización en Brasil Otra
Synthetic biology. The engineering of living organisms could soon start changing everything. Synthetic biology has only just begun, says Oliver Morton The Economist
Extreme weather. Greenhouse-gas emissions are increasing the frequency of heatwaves. And it will get worse in future The Economist
Hot as hell. Heatwaves are killing people. Adapting to the effects of climate change is helping but is not enough The Economist
Coming, ready or not. It will soon be possible to send a satellite to repair another. Or to destroy it The Economist
Informe del IPCC: el mundo tiene más hambre, pero la tierra está agotada Otra
The IPCC land-use report. Gloom from the climate-change front line. But not complete doom, if people behave sensibly. The Economist
Climate change. Greenland's ice sheet is melting unusually fast. That may raise the sea level by an extra millimetre this year The Economist
Un experto en inteligencia artificial quiere detener a los robots asesinos Otra
Este buscador ofrece privacidad, ¿será suficiente para dejar Google? Otra
Ecology. A tale of elephants, ants, trees and fire shows how complex nature is. Ecological links are not always predictable The Economist
Los desechos de plástico occidentales ya no son bienvenidos en Asia Otra
Who gets to own the West? A new group of billionaires is shaking up the landscape Otra
Ioning out flight. The first journey of an aircraft with an ion drive. How to fly silently, and without any moving parts The Economist
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Wants ‘Sewing Machine-Like’ Robots to Wire Brains to the Internet Otra
