Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Die Party ist erst mal vorbei Otra
Is China a global leader in research and development? Otra
One thousand and one sleepless nights. The trade war and finance. Alibaba's experience shows how relations between America and China have soured The Economist
On the brink. The Amazon is approaching an irreversible tipping point. The results would be disastrous, for Brazil and for the world The Economist
Lancement d'une 'Rébellion internationale' pour le climat dans soixante villes Otra
United States of Fear Libro electrónico
Governance of Economic Transition Artículo científico
The obstacle course. Will the Democrats’ green schemes make any difference? Climate issue: Presidential candidates are competing to show off their environmental ambitions The Economist
The progres of this storm. Nature and society in a warming world Libro electrónico
At Least 70 Countries Have Had Disinformation Campaigns, Study Finds Otra
SpaceX Unveils Silvery Vision to Mars: 'It's Basically an I.C.B.M. That Lands Otra
The global disinformation order Otra
In deep trouble. Climate change is forcing Asian cities to rethink their flood defences Climate issue: Expensive engineering is no match for Mother Nature The Economist
Meet the Millionaires Helping to Pay for Climate Protests Otra
Schrödinger's cheetah. Proof emerges that a quantum computer can outperform a classical one. The Economist
Quantum computing. Google claims to have demonstrated 'quantum supremacy'. It could be the field's Sputnik moment. The Economist
China en África: del beneficio mutuo a la hegemonía de Pekín Otra
Ronald Coase en Pekín Artículo científico
The day after tomorrow. The world is still struggling to implement meaningful climate policy. The private sector is trying to come up with its own ideas The Economist
Claves para descifrar el sistema imperial de innovación comandado por Estados Unidos Artículo científico
