Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
¿Puede Trump ordenar a las empresas de su país que salgan de China? Otra
Under attack. The trade war is leading some firms to crimp investment. Much depends on whether hostilities between America and China intensify The Economist
Does the U.S. Economy Require Military Spending? Artículo científico
China usa LinkedIn para reclutar espías extranjeros Otra
Security. Companies must get ready for a riskier world. Rethinking supply chains in an era of cyber-attacks and protectionism The Economist
China uses DNA to track its people, with the help of American expertise Otra
A stampede of mythical proportions. The wave of unicorn IPOs reveals Silicon Valley's groupthink. There is more to life than blitzscaling. The Economist
The trouble with tech unicorns. Tech's new stars have it all—except a path to high profits. Millions of users, cool brands and charismatic bosses are not enough. The Economist
Los robots asesinos podrían decidir las guerras del futuro Otra
Apostando por el desastre: la lucha contra quienes juegan con nuestro futuro Otra
Congo's challenge. How do you reform a country where gunmen torch Ebola clinics? Fighting an epidemic in a war zone is hard. But not impossible The Economist
Big business, shareholders and society. What companies are for The Economist
Multinational companies. Who wins from foreign investment? A new study shows the gains are unequal The Economist
Carbon emissions from energy industry rise at fastest rate since 2011. BP report reveals swings in global temperatures are increasing use of fossil fuels Otra
The rising oceans. Climate change is a remorseless threat to the world’s coasts. The world is not ready for the sea levels it will face The Economist
A machine may not take your job, but one could become your boss Otra
Un plan de explotación minera en áreas silvestres estaba detenido, hasta que Trump se volvió presidente Otra
Estados Unidos apunta a la red eléctrica de Rusia en una guerra fría digital Artículo científico
Dirty and dumb. African countries plan to build dozens of coal-fired power stations. They would be a costly mistake The Economist
First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists. Researchers reprogrammed human cells before injecting them in the monkey embryo Otra
