Bibliografías recientes

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Hypersonic Missiles Are Unstoppable. And They’re Starting a New Global Arms Race. Otra
Environmentalism is emerging as Europe's new culture war. Back to the barricades! The Economist
A message from the Billionaire's Club: Tax Us Otra
Dangerous work. Cleaning up nuclear waste is an obvious task for robots. But designing 'bots that can do it is hard The Economist
The junior partner. How Vladimir Putin's embrace of China weakens Russia. He needs Xi Jinping more than Mr Xi needs him—and Central Asia is changing as a result The Economist
Robots and the real world Otra
Russia and China. Partnership is much better for China than it is for Russia. Just how much better might not become clear for a few years yet The Economist
Breaking the wave. Investors and regulators fall out of love with colossal deals. The long swell in dealmaking may be subsiding The Economist
Counter-flow. Financial links between China and America deepen, despite the trade war. The two superpowers are at each other's necks, but also in each other's pockets The Economist
Dangerous work. Cleaning up nuclear waste is an obvious task for robots. But designing 'bots that can do it is hard The Economist
Panda express. Foreign financiers look past the trade war and ramp up in China. China's financial opening speeds up, but politics could spoil the party The Economist
Hey, big lender. A new study tracks the surge in Chinese loans to poor countries. Nearly half of China's credit is hidden, and much of it goes to vulnerable borrowers The Economist
Europe's nightmare on Wall Street. Deutsche Bank's retreat ends European hopes of conquering Wall Street. The main threat to American banks now is competition from China The Economist
Tu rostro está entrenando a las herramientas de reconocimiento facial Otra
JEDI orders. Amazon is eyeing billions in federal contracts. The American bureaucracy may prove a lucrative customer The Economist
Making the cut. OPEC's predictable deal cannot hide its giant problems. How long will the cartel accept losing market share to American shale?" The Economist
States of disarray. Latin America's state-run oil giants are struggling. The companies are unprepared for the looming energy transition The Economist
'I feel like a target’: US tech workers of Chinese descent see trade war backlash Otra
UN biodiversity conference to lay groundwork for Nature rescue plan. Otra
The UTC-Raytheon deal highlights the changing nature of war. Better to fight the next one than the last The Economist
