Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Die Stunde der Killer- Clowns [La hora de los payasos asesinos] Otra
Who can trust Trump's America? Donald Trump's betrayal of the Kurds is a blow to America's credibility. It will take years to mend The Economist
March of the machines. The stockmarket is now run by computers, algorithms and passive managers The Economist
Personal finance for pilfering potentates. How to hide a billion dollars. A guide for kleptocrats worried by foreign prosecutors The Economist
An awfully long expansion. For how long can today's global economic expansion last? The world's business cycles are lengthening, but not abolished The Economist
La transformación del Complejo Militar-Industrial Libro electrónico
Las decisiones que adoptemos ahora son fundamentales para el futuro y la criosfera Otra
The world economy's strange new rules. How economies work has changed radically. So must economic policy The Economist
The Complex. How The Military Invades Our Everyday Lives Libro electrónico
Google palns to build 3 new underwater cables to expand its cloud business Otra
Top investment banks provide billions to expand fossil fuel industry Otra
Oil firms to pour extra 7m barrels per day into markets, data shows. Otra
Alemania busca aliados en América Latina para enfrentar a China
China cannot easily weaponise its holdings of American government debt. Neither country seems fully to understand the ties that bind them The Economist
Power and protest. How the anarchists of Extinction Rebellion got so well organised. The climate-change rebels have been reading up on management theory The Economist
Catch me if you can. African kleptocrats are finding it tougher to stash cash in the West. The days of brazen looting and laundering have passed The Economist
Climate Wars Libro
Robotics. Robots' abilities to recognise and manipulate things are improving The Economist
The view from Beijing. In Beijing, views of America have become deeply cynical. Many officials are frustrated with Donald Trump The Economist
Back to the future. Jeff Bezos's ambition to colonise space is straight from the 1970s. Big, spinning habitats would support millions The Economist
