Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Family firms. Business in the blood The Economist
Grocery retailing in India. A long way from the supermarket The Economist
Japanese carmakers. Lots of oomph. Japan’s small-car firms are defying the industry’s get-big-or-die imperative The Economist
China’s handset manufacturers. Smartening up their act The Economist
A fork in the digital road. Poor performance foreshadows the industry’s restructuring The Economist
Smartening up their act. Chinese phonemakers are preparing to take on the world The Economist
The fury of the makers. Big business is angry; small firms are even angrier The Economist
Cheaper oil. Many winners, a few bad losers. A lower price will boost the world economy and harm some unpleasant regimes—but there are risks The Economist
European chipmakers. Fighting back The Economist
Free exchange. It’s complicated. Jean Tirole has won the Nobel prize in economics for his work on competition The Economist
Mongolia. The pits The Economist
Investor-state dispute settlement. The arbitration game The Economist
Europe’s carmakers. Polishing up The Economist
Technology firms. Split today, merge tomorrow The Economist
Oil companies. Unsustainable energy The Economist
Cross-border takeovers. The Germans are coming, again The Economist
Arrested development. The model of development through industrialisation is on its way out The Economist
The great disrupter’s new targets. The Chinese firm prepares to take on HP, Cisco and other IT giants The Economist
Pouring cold water. Dismal results show the need for more vigorous restructuring The Economist
Fixing the German dynamo. Joe Kaeser is transforming Siemens’s structure; changing its culture will be harder The Economist
