Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Guns and AMLO. Mexico's president gives power and money to the armed forces
2023: Expect a financial crash followed by major energy-related changes Otra
The Middle East. An energy crisis and geopolitics are creating a new-look Gulf The Economist
America's government is spending lavishly to revive manufacturing The Economist
This Week, Billionaires Made a Strong Case for Abolishing Themselves Otra
Minerales críticos para la transición energética. Conflictos y alternativas hacia una transformación socioecológica. Introducción Libro
Tipos de minerales usados para la transición energética Libro
China mira hacia México para satisfacer al mercado de EE. UU Otra
Seeking change. Is Google's 20-year dominance of search in peril? The Economist
La ecología de Marx. Materialismo y naturaleza. Introducción Libro
Si fracasamos Otra
Élite de Davos a la deriva frente a “policrisis” del capitalismo global Otra
CFE avanza en la generación de electricidad con energías limpias Otra
Hay al menos 7 mil pozos ilegales en Chihuahua: investigadores Otra
Green v green. America needs a new environmentalism The Economist
Cannibal Capitalism. How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet — and What We Can Do about It Libro
Battle of the boffins. The race of the AI labs heats up The Economist
Chip networks, chip wars. America's hoped-for Asian semiconductor pact looks tricky The Economist
Can Big Tech Get Bigger? Microsoft Presses Governments to Say Yes Otra
Planet on Fire. A Manifesto for the Age of Environmental Breakdown Libro electrónico
