Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The Party capitalists. China's communist authorities are tightening their grip on the private sector The Economist
Biden's tree army. Joe Biden wants to revive FDR's Conservation Corps The Economist
Conclusiones clave de la COP 26 Otra
Manufacturing a green revolution. South Korea's climate targets will mean remaking its economy The Economist
Karl Marx's Ecosocialism. Capitalism, Nature and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy Libro
Is Carbon Capture Here? Otra
Corporate Climate Pledges Often Ignore a Key Component: Supply Chains Otra
Vivimos uno de los momentos más críticos de extinción en la historia Otra
Alerta ONG sobre nuevo embate contra el territorio de los wixárikas Otra
The Capitalinian: The First Geological Age of the Anthropocene Otra
Google Wants to Work With the Pentagon Again, Despite Employee Concerns Otra
Los motores de la degradación ambiental Libro electrónico
Reconocimiento facial en América Latina: tendencias en la implementación de una tecnología perversa Libro electrónico
Economics and energy. The economics of the climate The Economist
What's the worst that could happen. Three degrees of global warming is quite plausible and truly disastrous The Economist
Adapting to climate change. A 3°C world has no safe place The Economist
Soaking it up. To prevent floods, China is building 'sponge cities The Economist
The future of the internet. Don't mock the metaverse The Economist
Latest National Climate Plans Still Fall Far Short, U.N. Report Warns Otra
The other metaverse. Companies want to build a virtual realm to copy the real world The Economist
