Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Cheap minerals, bad policies. The return of the resource curse. The worst growth figures for two decades fail to keep pace with a rising population The Economist
Deep trouble. How to improve the health of the ocean. The ocean sustains humanity. Humanity treats it with contempt The Economist
Improving the ocean. Getting serious about overfishing. The oceans face dire threats. Better regulated fisheries would help The Economist
El iCapitalismo y el cibertariado. Contradicciones de la economía digital Artículo científico
Volts wagons. Electric care are set to arrive far more speedily than anticipated The Economist
A unicorn apart. Among private tech firms, Airbnb has pursued a distinct strategy. Its culture is cohesive and its finances disciplined The Economist
Biotechnology. Cell-free biotech will make for better products. A new type of biological engineering should speed up innovation The Economist
Breaking down the walls. The remarkable promise of cell-free biology. New technologies could deliver the benefits of nature without the hassle of life The Economist
Why everything is hackable. Computer security is broken from top to bottom. As the consequences pile up, things are starting to improve The Economist
Fuel of the future. Data is giving rise to a new economy. How is it shaping up? The Economist
Jewel in the crown. What China can learn from the Pearl river delta. The Pearl river delta is China’s most dynamic, open and innovative region, says Vijay Vaitheeswaran. Can it show the way for the rest of the country? The Economist
Safety last. How to manage the computer-security threat. The incentives for software firms to take security seriously are too weak The Economist
Climate change. The Arctic as it is known today is almost certainly gone. On current trends, the Arctic will be ice-free in summer by 2040 The Economist
El neoextractivismo. ¿Un modelo posneoliberal de desarrollo o el imperalismo del siglo XXI? Libro
Courting trouble. Why Trumponomics won’t make America great again. The impulsiveness and shallowness of America’s president threaten the economy as well as the rule of law The Economist
No cooling. Trump's indifference to climate change has not changed China's view. Once a foot-dragger, it now wants to lead The Economist
Broken dealers. Corporate-bond markets need a reboot. As banks pull back, automation should be welcomed The Economist
Transnacionales y derechos humanos: la auto-regulación nunca funcionó Artículo científico
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Click to trade. Digitisation shakes up corporate-bond markets. Greater automation promises more liquidity for investors The Economist
