Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The University of Chicago worries about a lack of competition. Its economists used to champion big firms, but the mood has shifted The Economist
A China that works. What the country can learn from the Pearl river delta. The PRD shows what China could achieve by setting entrepreneurs free The Economist
Wheels in motion. Why carmakers need to get bigger. GM’s recent sale of Opel has revived talk of mega-mergers The Economist
The dragon head’s dilemma. Hong Kong’s tricky balancing act. The territory’s best future is to remain China’s superconnector The Economist
Northern light. Sales of Green vehicles are booming in Norway. Ever more electric cars are on the road. Now to build a charging network to support them The Economist
Tortoise v hare. Is China challenging the United States for global leadership? Xi Jinping talks of a 'China solution', without specifying what that means The Economist
The silk-silver axis. Averting a Chinese-American trade war. The world’s most important bilateral economic relationship is flourishing—and in deep trouble The Economist
Robots in the rustbelt. The future lies in automation. Factories are upgrading, but still lag far behind the rich world The Economist
Head in the cloud. What Satya Nadella did at Microsoft. The world’s biggest software firm has transformed its culture for the better. But getting cloud computing right is hard The Economist
Asia makes, China takes. The PRD is exporting jobs but producing more goods for the home market. The delta’s factories are doing a U-turn The Economist
Masayoshi Son goes on a $100bn shopping spree. The risk for one of Japan’s greatest tech tycoons is his messianic streak The Economist
Las fantasías climáticas de Donald Trump Artículo científico
The oil market. $20 is the new $40. Why the oil price has plunged The Economist
Rescatar la esperanza. Más allá del neoliberalismo y el progresismo Libro electrónico
Businesses can and will adapt to the age of populism. How executives balance shareholder expectations and social pressures The Economist
How to use superpowers. The incoming foreign-policy team has in mind a revolution in great-power relations The Economist
Manufacturing industry. Politicians cannot bring back old-fashioned factory jobs. They don’t make ’em like that any more The Economist
Think Tanks en Estados Unidos. El diseño de la política exterior Libro
Liquid gold. Companies are racing to add value to water. Sales of bottled water overtook those of soft drinks in America last year The Economist
Corporate short-termism is a frustratingly slippery idea. Firms are increasingly accused of failing to look ahead. That is a misdiagnosis The Economist
