Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
El espectro de una China global Artículo científico
Alternativas al poder corporativo Libro
Cambiar el corazón y el alma. Cómo las élites contuvieron el movimiento por la justicia global Libro electrónico
Cadenas de valor globales en servicios: el caso de la industria de TI en México Artículo científico
Monetising eyeballs. The battle for consumers’ attention. Forget the long tail The Economist
El mundo está desencajado Libro
Shearing and shaving. Remaking American financial regulation. Donald Trump starts a long struggle to overhaul the Dodd-Frank act The Economist
The litter of the law. The right way to redo Dodd-Frank. Make the rules simpler, by all means. But not at the expense of safety The Economist
Las aventuras de la mercancía Libro
La nueva razón del mundo. Ensayo sobre la sociedad neoliberal Libro
Democracia, poder y soberanía en la Europa de Hoy Otra
La gobernanza de las múltiples partes interesadas: la ofensiva corporativa hacia una nueva forma de gobierno global Libro electrónico
Off-grid solar power. Africa unplugged. Small-scale solar power is surging ahead The Economist
AT&T and Time Warner. Angling for the future of TV. A huge merger tries to follow the change in the way people watch television The Economist
Doing it their way. Where India’s and China’s energy consumption is heading. Consumption patterns in Asia will not replicate those in the West The Economist
Taken to task. How to deal with worries about stranded assets. Oil companies need to heed investors’ concerns The Economist
On the oil wagon. A tricky time for oil producers. The industry is already suffering upheaval, but part of it is still in denial The Economist
Agroimperialismo y globalización: formas de dominio a través de los regímenes alimentarios Artículo científico
La tiranía de las finanzas globales Libro electrónico
Multinationals. The retreat of the global company. The biggest business idea of the past three decades is in deep trouble The Economist
