Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Schumpeter. The other side of paradise. Glamorous tech startups can be brutal places for workers The Economist
Primed. Are investors too optimistic about Amazon? They think Amazon is going to grow faster, longer and bigger than almost any firm in history The Economist
El dominio del hambre. Crisis de hegemonía y alimentos Libro
Conflictos socio-ambientales, resistencias ciudadanas y violencia neo-liberal en México Artículo científico
Citigroup’s decade of agony is almost over. The recipient of America’s biggest bank bail-out has overhauled its capital base and its profits. Now it needs to grow The Economist
La élite del poder financiero Artículo científico
Intel on the outside. The rise of artificial intelligence is creating new variety in the chip market, and trouble for Intel. The success of Nvidia and its new computing chip signals rapid change in IT architecture The Economist
Lean, not green. America’s proposed budget cuts will be bad for the environment. And the signal they send is even worse The Economist
The biotechnology industry. Clusterluck. Boston’s biotech hub is surviving the challenge from Silicon Valley The Economist
German industry. Town and company. Company towns are thriving, for now, in western Germany The Economist
Big banks. Chop chop. Why haven’t banking giants got a lot smaller? The Economist
Corporate ambitions. Amazon, the world’s most remarkable firm, is just getting started. Amazon has the potential to meet the expectations of investors. But success will bring a big problem The Economist
Apropiaciones de tierras en el siglo XXI. Acumulación por desposesión agraria Artículo científico
La trayectoria del capitalismo histórico y la vocación tricontinental del marxismo Artículo científico
Chinese acquisitions abroad. Better than barbarians. Rich-world firms are warming to the idea of being Chinese-owned The Economist
¿Asegurando el futuro de quién? El militarismo en una época de crisis climática Otra
Saudi Aramco. Sale of the century? A possible IPO of Saudi Aramco could mark the end of the post-war oil order The Economist
Oil benchmarks. Crude measure. American oil exports have boosted the WTI benchmark, for now The Economist
Biotechnology. Cutting remarks. A gene-editing company files for an IPO The Economist
Technology Quarterly. After Moore's law. Double, double, toil and trouble. After a glorious 50 years, Moore’s law—which states that computer power doubles every two years at the same cost—is running out of steam. Tim Cross asks what might replace it The Economist
