Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The future of forever. A report from De Beers’s new diamond mine. Production of the world's most valuable gem may be about to peak The Economist
Renewable energy. A world turned upside down. Wind and solar energy are disrupting a century-old model of providing electricity. What will replace it? The Economist
Miners and aboriginals in Canada. I’ll see you in court. Indigenous groups are suing loggers, miners and pipeline-builders The Economist
Clean energy’s dirty secret. Wind and solar power are disrupting electricity systems. But that’s no reason for governments to stop supporting them The Economist
Falling bank shares. A tempest of fear. European banks are in the eye of a new financial storm The Economist
Reagan’s Chinese echo. The mystery of Xi Jinping’s supply-side strategy The Economist
Expansión de las empresas transnacionales y profundización del subdesarrollo: ¿Cómo construir una alternativa al desarrollo? Libro electrónico
Corporate hegemony. A select group. Google joins a rarefied club The Economist
The chemicals industry. Bad romance. Big mergers may give only temporary relief in an industry under pressure The Economist
Call centres. The end of the line. Call centres have created millions of good jobs in the emerging world. Technology threatens to take those jobs away again The Economist
Cheaper oil. Both symptom and balm. The oil price is tumbling. Is that good or bad news for the world economy? The Economist
Mining. Core ores. The metals crunch is forcing miners to reconsider the merits of diversification The Economist
Genetic engineering. CRISPR crunch. A row over who invented a new gene-editing technique heats up The Economist
Oil companies. In the dark ages. Supermajors suffer from self-inflicted wounds as well as falling oil prices The Economist
¡Rebeliones alimentarias! La crisis y el hambre por la justicia Libro
Alphabet. Of profits and prophesies. Google’s parent company is riding high The Economist
Agribusiness. Feeding the dragon. ChemChina, an acquisitive state enterprise, buys Switzerland’s Syngenta The Economist
Saudi Arabia. Young prince in a hurry. Muhammad bin Salman gambles on intervention abroad and radical economic change at home. But forget about democracy The Economist
Reproductive technologies. Gene editing, clones and the science of making babies. Ways of reproducing without sexual intercourse are multiplying. History suggests that they should be embraced The Economist
América Latina y Estados Unidos. Historia y política por país Libro
