Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
The burning question. Climate change in the era of Trump. With or without America, self-interest will sustain the fight against global warming The Economist
China and Russia. Happenstance and enemy action. Western intelligence agencies are turning to the old rivalry with Russia and the new one with China The Economist
Agroindustrie. Pourquoi des entreprises chinoises accaparent-elles des terres céréalières en France ? Otra
American business. Meet the new boss. Businesses may come to love or to fear Donald Trump. Either way, they will have to make a deal The Economist
Technology. Tinker, tailor, hacker, spy. Who is benefiting more from the cyberisation of intelligence, the spooks or their foes? The Economist
Espionage. Shaken and stirred. Intelligence services on both sides of the Atlantic have struggled to come to terms with new technology and a new mission. They are not done yet, writes Edward Carr The Economist
Misbehaving bankers (1). Accounts receivable. At an American bank, staff found dodgy ways to meet targets set by higher-ups The Economist
Risky business. Managers need to watch political risk in developed markets as well as emerging ones The Economist
BASF. Chemical reaction. How the world’s largest chemical company brews innovation The Economist
America’s new president. The Trump era. His victory threatens old certainties about America and its role in the world. What will take their place? The Economist
Los lobbies financieros. Tentáculos del poder Libro
Future policy. A delicate balance. How to keep the superstars on their toes without making them fall over The Economist
Shale oil. Permian hyperbole. A seductive myth is in the making about the “Saudi Arabia” of Texas The Economist
Chinese aerospace. China’s big aerospace ambitions are delayed. A new airliner from China is taking time The Economist
Las empresas transnacionales y la contaminación ideológica Artículo científico
Money honeys. Tech firms shell out to hire and hoard talent. As tech firms battle to hire and hoard talented employees with huge pay packages, Silicon Valley may be changed for the worse The Economist
México: empresas y derechos humanos Otra
Bajo el imperio del capital Libro
Interplanetary settlement. The world is not enough. Elon Musk envisages a human colony on Mars. He will have his work cut out The Economist
Business in China. Mixed messages. A missed opportunity to improve the environment for foreign companies in China The Economist
