Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Why the decline in the number of listed American firms matters. Company founders are reluctant to go public and takeovers are soaring The Economist
Regulating the internet giants. The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. The data economy demands a new approach to antitrust rules The Economist
Silicon Valley North. How America’s two tech hubs are converging. More than ever, Seattle and Silicon Valley are joined at the hip The Economist
The belt-and-road express. China faces resistance to a cherished theme of its foreign policy. Silk routes are not always as appealing as they sound The Economist
A boss’s guide to fending off an activist attack. Activist funds have moved on from being the gobby bad boys of markets The Economist
Ten years on: Financial technology. Financial technology is proving less of a battleground than feared. The relationship between banks and technology companies is becoming increasingly collaborative The Economist
A lighter shade of grey. Africa’s informal economy is receding faster than Latin America’s. But the shadow economy still equivalent to about 40% of GDP The Economist
Golpes mortales al poder corporativo Artículo científico
Lumpenburguesías latinoamericanas Artículo científico
How America and China Could Stumble to War Artículo científico
Clones. Hello, again, Dolly. Twenty years ago the world met the first adult clone, a sheep called Dolly. Her legacy lives on The Economist
Three kingdoms, two empires. China's internet giants go global. Tencent is leading the acquisition spree, with Alibaba a close second The Economist
El curso actual del capitalismo y las perspectivas para la sociedad humana civilizada Artículo científico
Ten years on: After Dodd-Frank. American banks think they are over-regulated. Time to loosen the reins, say America’s banks. Not so fast, say regulators The Economist
Ten years on: Sheep and goats. American banks have recovered well; many European ones much less so. Most European banks were slow off the mark after the crisis The Economist
Ten years on. A decade after the crisis, how are the world’s banks doing? Though the effects of the financial crisis in 2007-08 are still reverberating, banks are learning to live with their new environment, writes Patrick Lane. But are they really safer The Economist
Ten years on: How safe are banks? Another crisis one day cannot be ruled out. But recent changes have made it less likely The Economist
Through a glass, darkly. Tests suggest the methods of neuroscience are left wanting. A cautionary tale about the promises of modern brain science The Economist
Welcome to Silicon Delta. Shenzhen is a hothouse of innovation. Copycats are out, innovators are in The Economist
Telecomulonimbus. Cloudification will mean upheaval in telecoms. It will allow startups to challenge incumbent operators The Economist
