Guerra y ETN - The Economist

Título Cita Descriptores
Friendly fire. A shooting puts the spotlight on military training for allies. What does America get out of training troops for repressive allies?

The Economist [2019], "Friendly fire. A shooting puts the spotlight on military training for allies. What does America get out of training troops for repressive allies?", The Economist, London, 12 de diciembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones de propiedad y control: empresas sin nacionalidad versus internacionalización del capital, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Computing records. The first computer chip with a trillion transistors

The Economist [2019], "Computing records. The first computer chip with a trillion transistors", The Economist, London, 5 de diciembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Warfare in space. America seeks faster ways to launch military satellites

The Economist [2019], "Warfare in space. America seeks faster ways to launch military satellites", The Economist, London, 5 de diciembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones de propiedad y control: empresas sin nacionalidad versus internacionalización del capital, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Turkey's Syria move highlights America's tactical nukes in Europe. There are still 150 or so of the things

The Economist [2019], "Turkey's Syria move highlights America's tactical nukes in Europe. There are still 150 or so of the things", The Economist, London, 30 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Warheads up. China's nuclear arsenal was strikingly modest, but that is changing

The Economist [2019], "Warheads up. China's nuclear arsenal was strikingly modest, but that is changing", The Economist, London, 23 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Hong Kong in revolt. China's unruly periphery resents the Communist Party's heavy hand. The party cannot win lasting assent to its rule by force alone

The Economist [2019], "Hong Kong in revolt. China's unruly periphery resents the Communist Party's heavy hand. The party cannot win lasting assent to its rule by force alone", The Economist, London, 21 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra
Changing gear. The global drugs trade shifts to west Africa. Weak, corrupt states are ideal for cocaine barons.

The Economist [2019], "Changing gear. The global drugs trade shifts to west Africa. Weak, corrupt states are ideal for cocaine barons", The Economist, London, 23 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra
The resource curse. How west Africa's gold rush is funding jihadists. Weak states cannot secure the mines from extremists

The Economist [2019], "The resource curse. How west Africa's gold rush is funding jihadists. Weak states cannot secure the mines from extremists", The Economist, London, 14 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Neighbourly love-in. Japan Inc has thrived in China of late. Can it last?

The Economist [2019], "Neighbourly love-inJapan Inc has thrived in China of late. Can it last?", The Economist, London, 9 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Broad-banned internet. Countries are increasingly willing to censor speech online. That will make life hard for the tech giants

The Economist [2019], "Broad-banned internet. Countries are increasingly willing to censor speech online. That will make life hard for the tech giants", The Economist, London, 9 de noviembre,

Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estatuto de la competencia en el capitalismo. Visión histórica y situación actual, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Decapitated, not defeated. Islamic State after the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The “caliph” is dead, but his ultra-violent jihadist group lives on

The Economist [2019], "Decapitated, not defeated. Islamic State after the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The “caliph” is dead, but his ultra-violent jihadist group lives on", The Economist, London, 2 de noviembre,

Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Quantum computing. IBM challenges a recent result in quantum computing. Technically, they are right. Practically, it makes little difference.

The Economist [2019], "Quantum computing. IBM challenges a recent result in quantum computing. Technically, they are right. Practically, it makes little difference", The Economist, London, 2 de noviembre,

Estatuto de la competencia en el capitalismo. Visión histórica y situación actual, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra
Human-machine interface. Data-labelling startups want to help improve corporate AI. A clutch of firms is generating the feedstock for machine-learning algorithms: tagged data

The Economist [2019], "Human-machine interface. Data-labelling startups want to help improve corporate AI. A clutch of firms is generating the feedstock for machine-learning algorithms: tagged data", The Economist, London, 19 de octubre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Northern blights. A massive money-laundering scandal stains the image of Nordic banks. Danske and Swedbank will struggle to regain clients' and regulators' trust

The Economist [2019], "Northern blights. A massive money-laundering scandal stains the image of Nordic banks. Danske and Swedbank will struggle to regain clients' and regulators' trust", The Economist, London, 19 de octubre,

Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estatuto de la competencia en el capitalismo. Visión histórica y situación actual, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Who can trust Trump's America? Donald Trump's betrayal of the Kurds is a blow to America's credibility. It will take years to mend

The Economist [2019], "Who can trust Trump's America? Donald Trump's betrayal of the Kurds is a blow to America's credibility. It will take years to mend", The Economist, London, 19 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
One in the AI. America blacklists China's best artificial-intelligence firms. The move, linked to repression in Xinjiang, strikes at the heart of China's technological ambitions

The Economist [2019], "One in the AI. America blacklists China's best artificial-intelligence firms. The move, linked to repression in Xinjiang, strikes at the heart of China's technological ambitions", The Economist, London, 10 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Space travel. SpaceX's Starship is a new kind of rocket, in every sense. And it may beat its government rival into space

The Economist [2019], "Space travel. SpaceX's Starship is a new kind of rocket, in every sense. And it may beat its government rival into space", The Economist, London, 3 de octubre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The tech offensive. Silicon Valley and the state gird for war. The battle lines of an American regulatory assault on technology companies are being drawn

The Economist [2019], "The tech offensive. Silicon Valley and the state gird for war. The battle lines of an American regulatory assault on technology companies are being drawn", The Economist, London, 3 de octubre,

Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Der Techlash. Europe has so many issues with Big Tech it hardly knows where to begin. Its efforts to regulate it are as inchoate as America's

The Economist [2019], "Der Techlash. Europe has so many issues with Big Tech it hardly knows where to begin. Its efforts to regulate it are as inchoate as America's", The Economist, London, 3 de octubre,

Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Xi's big parade. To mark 70 years of Communist rule, China shows off new weapons. Some of them are designed to make Americans tremble

The Economist [2019], "Xi's big parade. To mark 70 years of Communist rule, China shows off new weapons. Some of them are designed to make Americans tremble", The Economist, London, 3 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Xi's embrace of false history and fearsome weapons is worrying China's leader is stoking hair-trigger nationalism with his idea that the Communist Party never makes mistakes

The Economist [2019], "Xi's embrace of false history and fearsome weapons is worrying China's leader is stoking hair-trigger nationalism with his idea that the Communist Party never makes mistakes", The Economist, London, 3 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Quantum computing. Google claims to have demonstrated 'quantum supremacy'. It could be the field's Sputnik moment.

The Economist [2019], "Quantum computing. Google claims to have demonstrated 'quantum supremacy'. It could be the field's Sputnik moment", The Economist, London, 28 de septiembre,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Robotics. Robots' abilities to recognise and manipulate things are improving

The Economist [2019], "Robotics. Robots' abilities to recognise and manipulate things are improving", The Economist, London, 28 de septiembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Schrödinger's cheetah. Proof emerges that a quantum computer can outperform a classical one.

The Economist [2019], "Schrödinger's cheetah. Proof emerges that a quantum computer can outperform a classical one", The Economist, London, 28 de septiembre,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The obstacle course. Will the Democrats’ green schemes make any difference? Climate issue: Presidential candidates are competing to show off their environmental ambitions

The Economist [2019], "The obstacle course. Will the Democrats’ green schemes make any difference? Climate issue: Presidential candidates are competing to show off their environmental ambitions", The Economist, London, 21 de septiembre,

Crisis civilizatoria y crisis económica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Fronteras del capital, Relación economía y guerra
