Guerra y ETN - The Economist

Título Cita Descriptores
The baby crisperer. The era of human gene-editing may have begun. Why that is worrying. A Chinese scientist claims to have edited the genomes of twin baby girls.

The Economist [2018], "The baby crisperer. The era of human gene-editing may have begun. Why that is worrying. A Chinese scientist claims to have edited the genomes of twin baby girls", The Economist, London, 29 de noviembre,

Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Superpowers and technology. Chip wars: China, America and silicon supremacy. America cannot afford to ignore China's semiconductor ambitions. It cannot simply tame them, either

The Economist [2018], "Superpowers and technology. Chip wars: China, America and silicon supremacy. America cannot afford to ignore China's semiconductor ambitions. It cannot simply tame them, either", The Economist, London, 29 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The chips are down. The semiconductor industry and the power of globalization. Superpower politics may start to unravel it

The Economist [2018], "The chips are down. The semiconductor industry and the power of globalization. Superpower politics may start to unravel it", The Economist, London, 29 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Ioning out flight. The first journey of an aircraft with an ion drive. How to fly silently, and without any moving parts

The Economist [2018], "Ioning out flight. The first journey of an aircraft with an ion drive. How to fly silently, and without any moving parts", The Economist, London, 24 de noviembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Ioning out flight. The first journey of an aircraft with an ion drive. How to fly silently, and without any moving parts

The Economist [2018], "Ioning out flight. The first journey of an aircraft with an ion drive. How to fly silently, and without any moving parts", The Economist, London, 24 de noviembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones de propiedad y control: empresas sin nacionalidad versus internacionalización del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Coming, ready or not. It will soon be possible to send a satellite to repair another. Or to destroy it

The Economist [2018], "Coming, ready or not. It will soon be possible to send a satellite to repair another. Or to destroy it", The Economist, London, 24 de noviembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
EU and whose army? Emmanuel Macron's calls for a European army are misguided. European defence schemes should plug into NATO

The Economist [2018], "EU and whose army? Emmanuel Macron's calls for a European army are misguided. European defence schemes should plug into NATO"The Economist, London, 10 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
War in a cold climate. NATO holds its biggest exercises since the cold war. Despite what politicians say, the alliance is in good shape on the ground

The Economist [2018], "War in a cold climate. NATO holds its biggest exercises since the cold war. Despite what politicians say, the alliance is in good shape on the ground"The Economist, London, 10 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
On the extinction of the species. Gene drives promise great gains and great dangers. Don't ban, don't rush

The Economist [2018], "On the extinction of the species. Gene drives promise great gains and great dangers. Don't ban, don't rush"The Economist, London, 10 de noviembre,

Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Movie stars and soyabeans. China's public worries pointlessly about GM food. The trade war with America will make some even more fearful

The Economist [2018], "Movie stars and soyabeans. China's public worries pointlessly about GM food. The trade war with America will make some even more fearful"The Economist, London, 3 de noviembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Nuclear weapons. America tears up an arms treaty, and harms itself. A farewell to arms control

The Economist [2018], "Nuclear weapons. America tears up an arms treaty, and harms itself. A farewell to arms control", The Economist, London, 27 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
War profiteering. Will China's rivals benefit from the trade war? Integrated supply chains mean China cannot easily be replaced

The Economist [2018], "War profiteering. Will China's rivals benefit from the trade war? Integrated supply chains mean China cannot easily be replaced", The Economist, London, 27 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones de propiedad y control: empresas sin nacionalidad versus internacionalización del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
The heavyweight rivals. America's new attitude towards China is changing the countries' relationship. It is getting more antagonistic in many ways

The Economist [2018], "The heavyweight rivals. America's new attitude towards China is changing the countries' relationship. It is getting more antagonistic in many ways", The Economist, London, 18 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra
Gaining wisdom, marching forward. Chinese investment, and influence, in Europe is growing. The EU is, at last, beginning to take notice

The Economist [2018], "Gaining wisdom, marching forward. Chinese investment, and influence, in Europe is growing. The EU is, at last, beginning to take notice", The Economist, London, 4 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Geopolitics and investment. China has designs on Europe. Here is how Europe should respond. As Chinese investment pours into the European Union, the Europeans are beginning to worry

The Economist [2018], "Geopolitics and investment. China has designs on Europe. Here is how Europe should respond. As Chinese investment pours into the European Union, the Europeans are beginning to worry"The Economist, London, 4 de octubre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Sahel or high water. France may take the lead in fighting jihadists. But they risk propping up authoritarian regimes

The Economist [2018], "Sahel or high water. France may take the lead in fighting jihadists. But they risk propping up authoritarian regimes", The Economist, London, 22 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Stand uneasy. A general tells Israel that its army must be still readier to fight. Arguments persist over how to keep Israel safe

The Economist [2018], "Stand uneasy. A general tells Israel that its army must be still readier to fight. Arguments persist over how to keep Israel safe", The Economist, London, 22 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
America can't control the global flow of ideas. History has not been kind to countries' attempts at hoarding intellectual property

The Economist [2018], "America can't control the global flow of ideas. History has not been kind to countries' attempts at hoarding intellectual property", The Economist, London, 13 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Suing spies. America's government is putting foreign cyber-spies in the dock. Some of its own hackers are not pleased

The Economist [2018], "Suing spies. America's government is putting foreign cyber-spies in the dock. Some of its own hackers are not pleased", The Economist, London, 13 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Geopolitics. Why Russia and China's joint military exercises should worry the West. They hold a mirror to Donald Trump's undermining of America's allies

The Economist [2018], "Geopolitics. Why Russia and China's joint military exercises should worry the West. They hold a mirror to Donald Trump's undermining of America's allies", The Economist, London, 8 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Game on. Russia and China hold the biggest military exercises for decades. America should beware

The Economist [2018], "Game on. Russia and China hold the biggest military exercises for decades. America should beware", The Economist, London, 8 de septiembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Machine learning. A sense of curiosity is helpful for artificial intelligence. Another approach to training machines

The Economist [2018], "Machine learning. A sense of curiosity is helpful for artificial intelligence. Another approach to training machines"The Economist, London, 1 de septiembre,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Whirlybirds are go. Future helicopters will fly in new ways. Pilots will be optional

The Economist [2018], "Whirlybirds are go. Future helicopters will fly in new ways. Pilots will be optionalThe Economist, London, 25 de agosto,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Buyers' market. The global arms trade is booming. Buyers are spoiled for choice. Increased competition between suppliers means buyers have the upper hand

The Economist [2018], "Buyers' market. The global arms trade is booming. Buyers are spoiled for choice. Increased competition between suppliers means buyers have the upper hand", The Economist, London, 18 de agosto,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra
Quantum spring. The race is on to dominate quantum computing. But the technology may face a winter before it enters its summer

The Economist [2018], "Quantum spring. The race is on to dominate quantum computing. But the technology may face a winter before it enters its summer", The Economist, London, 18 de agosto,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
