Guerra y ETN - The Economist

Título Cita Descriptores
Battle-lines drawn. A full-blown trade war between America and China looks likely. As Donald Trump threatens further tariffs on Chinese imports, the prospect of a deal is receding

The Economist [2018], "Battle-lines drawn. A full-blown trade war between America and China looks likely. As Donald Trump threatens further tariffs on Chinese imports, the prospect of a deal is receding", The Economist, London, 23 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra
Fire arrows. A Chinese company plans to launch a rocket into orbit this year. It will use solid fuel—a first for commercial space flight

The Economist [2018], "Fire arrows. A Chinese company plans to launch a rocket into orbit this year. It will use solid fuel—a first for commercial space flight", The Economist, London, 23 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Fronteras del capital, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
America and the world. Donald Trump’s demolition theory of foreign policy won’t work Even if the president strikes a deal with North Korea, his approach will harm America and the world

The Economist [2018], "America and the world. Donald Trump's demolition theory of foreign policy won't work. Even if the president strikes a deal with North Korea, his approach will harm America and the world", The Economist, London, 9 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra
Playing with fire. Google runs into more flak on artificial intelligence. Its employees have won concessions on AI work for America's military

The Economist [2018], "Playing with fire. Google runs into more flak on artificial intelligence. Its employees have won concessions on AI work for America's military", The Economist, London, 16 de junio,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Military communications. A new type of battlefield network is in development. It is harder to knock out than existing systems

The Economist [2018], "Military communications. A new type of battlefield network is in development. It is harder to knock out than existing systems", The Economist, London, 16 de junio,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Present at the destruction. Donald Trump is undermining the rules-based international order. There may be short-term wins for America but there will be long-term damage to the world

The Economist [2018], "Present at the destruction. Donald Trump is undermining the rules-based international order. There may be short-term wins for America but there will be long-term damage to the world", The Economist, London, 9 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra
Technology and surveillance. Does China's digital police state have echoes in the West? The state can gather more information, more easily, than ever before. Do not underestimate the risks

The Economist [2018], "Technology and surveillance. Does China's digital police state have echoes in the West? The state can gather more information, more easily, than ever before. Do not underestimate the risks", The Economist, London, 2 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Apartheid with Chinese characteristics. China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like no other. Totalitarian determination and modern technology have produced a massive abuse of human rights

The Economist [2018], "Apartheid with Chinese characteristics. China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like no other. Totalitarian determination and modern technology have produced a massive abuse of human rights", The Economist, London, 2 de junio,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Losing the peace. America's strategy against Islamic State is storing up trouble. Ethnic tension in eastern Syria is increasing, to the delight of the jihadists

The Economist [2018], "Losing the peace. America's strategy against Islamic State is storing up trouble. Ethnic tension in eastern Syria is increasing, to the delight of the jihadists", The Economist, London, 26 de mayo,

Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Capital control. Europeans fret that Chinese investment is a security risk They worry that the Chinese government is gaining control of crucial technology firms and infrastructure.

The Economist [2018], "Capital control. Europeans fret that Chinese investment is a security risk. They worry that the Chinese government is gaining control of crucial technology firms and infrastructure.", The Economist , London, 22 de mayo,

Empresas transnacionales y gobernanza mundial, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Microdrones. The world's lightest wireless flying machine lifts off. RoboFly unleashed

The Economist [2018], "Microdrones. The world's lightest wireless flying machine lifts off. RoboFly unleashed", The Economist, London, 19 de mayo,

Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Rumble in the jungle. Glencore, a hard-slugging mining giant, meets its match in Congo. A fight between two billionaires involves a coveted mineral, cobalt

The Economist [2018], "Rumble in the jungle. Glencore, a hard-slugging mining giant, meets its match in Congo. A fight between two billionaires involves a coveted mineral, cobalt", The Economist, London, 5 de mayo,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
A farewell to arms control. Old deals to limit nuclear weapons are fraying. They may not be repaired. Politics and technology make arms control harder than ever

The Economist [2018], "A farewell to arms control. Old deals to limit nuclear weapons are fraying. They may not be repaired. Politics and technology make arms control harder than ever", The Economist, London, 5 de mayo,

Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Disarmageddon. Despite North Korea, arms control is unravelling. Complacent, reckless leaders have forgotten how valuable it is to restrain nuclear weapons

The Economist [2018], "Disarmageddon. Despite North Korea, arms control is unravelling. Complacent, reckless leaders have forgotten how valuable it is to restrain nuclear weapons", The Economist, London, 5 de mayo,

Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Situation vacant. Gina Haspel must give answers before becoming the CIA boss. Would she torture again?

The Economist [2018], "Situation vacant. Gina Haspel must give answers before becoming the CIA boss. Would she torture again?", The Economist, London, 28 de abril,

Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Anglichanka strikes again. Kremlin-backed fake news targets Britain. 'Mischievous Englishwomen' are blamed for everything from the Skripal poisoning to 17th-century famines

The Economist [2018], "Anglichanka strikes again. Kremlin-backed fake news targets Britain. 'Mischievous Englishwomen' are blamed for everything from the Skripal poisoning to 17th-century famines", The Economist, London, 21 de abril,

Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The duty to deter. If Syria's despot is not punished, others will use chemical weapons. Strikes on Bashar al-Assad's air bases are justified

The Economist [2018], "The duty to deter. If Syria's despot is not punished, others will use chemical weapons. Strikes on Bashar al-Assad's air bases are justified", The Economist, London, 14 de abril,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Children of Merkel. Where does Germany go from here? German politics has become too quiet. It needs more democratic rough-and-tumble

The Economist [2018], "Children of Merkel. Where does Germany go from here? German politics has become too quiet. It needs more democratic rough-and-tumble", The Economist, London, 14 de abril,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Estatuto de la competencia en el capitalismo. Visión histórica y situación actual, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra
The somewhat reluctant hegemon. Germany has been slow to reassess its place in the world. Germany's traditional foreign-policy doctrines are coming under pressure

The Economist [2018], "The somewhat reluctant hegemon. Germany has been slow to reassess its place in the world. Germany's traditional foreign-policy doctrines are coming under pressure", The Economist, London, 14 de abril,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra
Drawing the battle lines. America's gripes with China make a deal hard to imagine. At the heart of the disagreement is China's industrial policy

The Economist [2018], "Drawing the battle lines. America's gripes with China make a deal hard to imagine. At the heart of the disagreement is China's industrial policy", The Economist, London, 14 de abril,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Formas de la guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad
Better days in Baghdad. Fifteen years after America's invasion, Iraq is doing well. An election in May offers a chance to build on recent progress

The Economist [2018], "Better days in Baghdad. Fifteen years after America's invasion, Iraq is doing well. An election in May offers a chance to build on recent progress", The Economist, London, 31 de marzo,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Under construction. Fifteen years after America's invasion, Iraq is getting back on its feet. With Islamic State defeated, a new sense of unity prevails. But it is fragile

The Economist [2018], "Under construction. Fifteen years after America's invasion, Iraq is getting back on its feet. With Islamic State defeated, a new sense of unity prevails. But it is fragile", The Economist, London, 31 de marzo,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Paper elephant. India spends a fortune on defence and gets poor value for money. The country’s millions of men and women in uniform wield mainly Soviet weapons

The Economist [2018], "Paper elephant. India spends a fortune on defence and gets poor value for money. The country’s millions of men and women in uniform wield mainly Soviet weapons", The Economist, London, 31 de marzo,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Digital privacy. The Facebook scandal could change politics as well as the internet. Even used legitimately, it is a powerful, intrusive political tool

The Economist [2018], "Digital privacy. The Facebook scandal could change politics as well as the internet. Even used legitimately, it is a powerful, intrusive political tool", The Economist, London, 24 de marzo,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Baltics beware. Russia's conventional forces outgun NATO near its borders. The Atlantic alliance is ill-prepared to deter Russian aggression

The Economist [2018], "Baltics beware. Russia's conventional forces outgun NATO near its borders. The Atlantic alliance is ill-prepared to deter Russian aggression", The Economist, London, 10 de marzo,

Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
