Guerra y ETN - The Economist

Título Cita Descriptores
High-tech weaponry. Russia’s new nuclear weapons are technically plausible… but practically dubious

The Economist [2018], "High-tech weaponry. Russia’s new nuclear weapons are technically plausible… but practically dubious", The Economist, London, 10 de marzo,

Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Military applications. Mutually assured detection. Better anti-submarine warfare will mean fewer places for subs to hide

The Economist [2018], "Military applications. Mutually assured detection. Better anti-submarine warfare will mean fewer places for subs to hide", The Economist, London, 10 de marzo,

Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Xi v Marshall. Will China's Belt and Road Initiative outdo the Marshall Plan? How China's infrastructure projects around the world stack up against America's plan to rebuild post-war Europe

The Economist [2018], "Xi v Marshall. Will China's Belt and Road Initiative outdo the Marshall Plan? How China's infrastructure projects around the world stack up against America's plan to rebuild post-war Europe", The Economist, London, 10 de marzo,

Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Jets, but no pilots. For the Gulf states, diplomacy involves buying weapons they don't need. They have agreed to arms deals worth billions of dollars in the past year

The Economist [2018], "Jets, but no pilots. For the Gulf states, diplomacy involves buying weapons they don't need. They have agreed to arms deals worth billions of dollars in the past year", The Economist, London, 1 de marzo,

Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Administrative bipolar disorder. One arm of the Trump administration thinks climate change is a security threat. Another thinks it is a hoax

The Economist [2018], "Administrative bipolar disorder. One arm of the Trump administration thinks climate change is a security threat. Another thinks it is a hoax", The Economist, London, 24 de febrero

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Turning politics up to 11. Russian disinformation distorts American and European democracy. The Mueller indictment reveals some of the Kremlin's tactics

The Economist [2018], "Turning politics up to 11. Russian disinformation distorts American and European democracy. The Mueller indictment reveals some of the Kremlin's tactics", The Economist, London, 24 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Russia's dirty tricks. How Putin meddles in Western democracies. And why the West's response is inadequate

The Economist [2018] "Russia's dirty tricks. How Putin meddles in Western democracies. And why the West's response is inadequate" The Economist London, 22 de Febrero

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
How to be a Dadaist troll. Inside the Internet Research Agency’s lie machine. Serving up fake news for Mr Putin’s chef

The Economist [2018], "How to be a Dadaist troll. Inside the Internet Research Agency’s lie machine. Serving up fake news for Mr Putin’s chef", The Economist, London, 22 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Putin's Syrian gambit. It is not going well. As Israel and Iran clash in Syria, Russia finds itself increasingly in a bind of its own making

The Economist [2018], "Putin's Syrian gambit. It is not going well. As Israel and Iran clash in Syria, Russia finds itself increasingly in a bind of its own making", The Economist, London, 15 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
Africa's broken heart. Congo is sliding back to bloodshed. How to stop a catastrophe

The Economist [2018], "Africa's broken heart. Congo is sliding back to bloodshed. How to stop a catastrophe", The Economist, London, 15 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Sujetos de la guerra
Waiting to erupt. Congo's war was bloody. It may be about to start again. President Joseph Kabila is in the seventh year of a five-year term. He is struggling to hold the country together

The Economist [2018], "Waiting to erupt. Congo's war was bloody. It may be about to start again. President Joseph Kabila is in the seventh year of a five-year term. He is struggling to hold the country together", The Economist, London, 15 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra
How does Chinese tech stack up against American tech? Silicon Valley may not hold onto its global superiority for much longer

The Economist [2018], "How does Chinese tech stack up against American tech? Silicon Valley may not hold onto its global superiority for much longer", The Economist, London, 15 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
No longer just catch-up. China will soon have air power rivalling the West's. In some technologies, it has surpassed it

The Economist [2018], "No longer just catch-up. China will soon have air power rivalling the West's. In some technologies, it has surpassed it", The Economist, London, 15 de febrero,

Relación economía y guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Drones and guerrilla warfare. Home-made drones now threaten conventional armed forces. Their small size and large numbers can overwhelm defences

The Economist [2018], "Drones and guerrilla warfare. Home-made drones now threaten conventional armed forces. Their small size and large numbers can overwhelm defences", The Economist, London, 8 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Changing the pilots. Airbus executives get swept away by a corruption investigation. A management shake-out may reawaken national rivalries at the European aerospace giant

The Economist [2018], "Changing the pilots. Airbus executives get swept away by a corruption investigation. A management shake-out may reawaken national rivalries at the European aerospace giant", The Economist, London, 8 de febrero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Corporaciones militares - corporaciones civiles que participan en la producción militar o en actividades militares, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Not so MAD. Why nuclear stability is under threat. Mutually assured destruction has served as the ultimate deterrent, but for how much longer?

The Economist [2018], "Not so MAD. Why nuclear stability is under threat. Mutually assured destruction has served as the ultimate deterrent, but for how much longer?", The Economist, London, 27 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
War at hyperspeed. Getting to grips with military robotics. Autonomous robots and swarms will change the nature of warfare

The Economist [2018], "War at hyperspeed. Getting to grips with military robotics. Autonomous robots and swarms will change the nature of warfare", The Economist, London, 27 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Man and machine. Autonomous weapons are a game-changer. AI-empowered robots pose entirely new dangers, possibly of an existential kind

The Economist [2018], "Man and machine. Autonomous weapons are a game-changer. AI-empowered robots pose entirely new dangers, possibly of an existential kind", The Economist, London, 27 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Stay well back. Using clever technology to keep enemies at bay. To counter regional challengers, America needs to regain its technological edge

The Economist [2018], "Stay well back. Using clever technology to keep enemies at bay. To counter regional challengers, America needs to regain its technological edge", The Economist, London, 27 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la guerra, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Competition in the digital age. How to tame the tech titans. The dominance of Google, Facebook and Amazon is bad for consumers and competition

The Economist [2018], "Competition in the digital age. How to tame the tech titans. The dominance of Google, Facebook and Amazon is bad for consumers and competition", The Economist, London, 18 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relación economía y guerra, Relaciones de propiedad y control: empresas sin nacionalidad versus internacionalización del capital
In heaven as it is on Earth. The new space race. Events in space reflect those back home

The Economist [2018], "In heaven as it is on Earth. The new space race. Events in space reflect those back home", The Economist, London, 18 de enero,

Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Fronteras del capital, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The other kind of leaking. There is no guaranteed defence against ballistic missiles –yet. Someone ought to explain this to the commander-in-chief

The Economist [2018], "The other kind of leaking. There is no guaranteed defence against ballistic missiles –yet. Someone ought to explain this to the commander-in-chief", The Economist, London, 13 de enero,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Formas de la competencia entre grandes empresas, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Thought experiments. How brains and machines can be made to work together. Brain-computer interfaces sound like the stuff of science fiction. Andrew Palmer sorts the reality from the hype

The Economist [2018], "Thought experiments. How brains and machines can be made to work together. Brain-computer interfaces sound like the stuff of science fiction. Andrew Palmer sorts the reality from the hype", The Economist, London, 6 de enero,

Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
Miniature robotics. Military robots are getting smaller and more capable. Soon, they will travel in swarms

The Economist [2017], "Miniature robotics. Military robots are getting smaller and more capable. Soon, they will travel in swarms", The Economist, London, 14 de diciembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
The ride of the mercenaries. How "Wagner" came to Syria. Captured soldiers cast light on the work of a shadowy group

The Economist [2017], "The ride of the mercenaries. How 'Wagner' came to Syria. Captured soldiers cast light on the work of a shadowy group", The Economist, London, 4 de noviembre,

Competencia mundial. Disputa hegemónica, Estudios de caso: actividades - empresas, Formas de la guerra, Fronteras del capital, Relaciones entre empresas estados y sociedad, Sujetos de la guerra, Tecnologías militares - tecnologías de uso dual
