Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
La industria mexicana del I+D es 10 veces menos productiva que la de EE UU Otra
Oro blanco, trabajadores negros Artículo científico
Elementos para la economía política de la competencia 1 - Notas extraídas de los Grundrisse Otra
Corporaciones multinacionales en México: Un primer mapeo Artículo científico
Geoengineering. If all else fails. Man-made global cooling is scary, but may become necessary The Economist
Shanxi province. King Coal’s misrule. The rise and fall of a corrupt coal-fuelled economy The Economist
American business abroad. Six lectures on direct investment Libro
Smart products, smart makers. The internet of things will strengthen manufacturers’ hands in the battle for customer loyalty The Economist
Rising powers from emerging markets. The changing face of international business. Artículo científico
Corporate culture in South Korea. Loosening their ties. A punishing work culture is gradually being relaxed The Economist
Drug companies and research. Billion-dollar babies. The high cost of R&D is used to explain why drugs giants merge, and why they must charge high prices. The reality is somewhat different The Economist
Bankruptcy in India. The business of going bust. A long-awaited bankruptcy code should help owners and lenders The Economist
America’s BRAIN initiative. The observer corps. What is the way best to study the brain? Big labs or small? The Economist
Caída Otra
Business in Hong Kong. Standing up to Superman. A buy-out by Hong Kong’s biggest tycoon is foiled The Economist
The way forward. Second-best solutions. If the best method for tackling climate change is not on offer, try something else The Economist
Las nuevas multinacionales. Las empresas españolas en el mundo Libro
Informe sobre las Inversiones en el mundo 1993. Corporaciones trasnacionales y la producción internacional integrada. Libro electrónico
Informe sobre las Inversiones en el mundo 2005. Las empresas transnacionales y la internacionalización de la investigación y el desarrollo. Libro electrónico
Llama Vandana Shiva a parar la biopiratería, “nuevo colonialismo” Otra
