Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Toshiba and Sharp. Coming clean? A reckoning looms for two troubled corporate giants The Economist
A theory of direct foreign investment Libro
¿Qué es un patrón de acumulación? Libro
Business in America. Too much of a good thing. Profits are too high. America needs a giant dose of competition The Economist
The world economy. Who’s afraid of cheap oil? Low energy prices ought to be a shot in the arm for the economy. Think again The Economist
The collaboration curse. The fashion for making employees collaborate has gone too far The Economist
Water politics. Sharing the Nile. The largest hydroelectric project in Africa has so far produced only discord The Economist
The International Corporation Libro
Maquiladoras y TLC: dos expresiones, una problemática Artículo científico
Business in America. The problem with profits. Big firms in the United States have never had it so good. Time for more competition The Economist
Climate change. The state of the planet The Economist
Climate change. Clear thinking needed. Global warming cannot be dealt with using today’s tools and mindsets. So create some new ones The Economist
Chinese investment in Africa. Not as easy as it looks. Western worries about China’s burgeoning influence in Africa may be overblown The Economist
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A funny form of conservation. The government may soon need to rescue America’s mortgage giants again The Economist
Chinese financial regulation. Takeover bid. Stockmarket mayhem prompts a drive for more coherent oversight The Economist
Germany’s industry. Does Deutschland do digital? Europe’s biggest economy is rightly worried that digitisation is a threat to its industrial leadership The Economist
Elementos para la economía política de la competencia 2 - Notas extraídas de Miseria de la filosofía Otra
El modelo minero canadiense: saqueo e impunidad institucionalizados Artículo científico
Los nuevos Amos de la Tierra Libro
The industrial internet of things. Machine learning. Manufacturers must learn to behave more like tech firms The Economist
