Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 2008. Las empresas transnacionales y el desafío de las infraestructuras Libro electrónico
Hewlett- Packard. Growing old, but not together. HP’s break-up will not solve all its problems The Economist
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo1994. Empresas transnacionales, el empleo y el lugar de trabajo Libro electrónico
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Libro electrónico
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 2002. Las empresas trasnacionales y la competitividad de las exportaciones Libro electrónico
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 2004. El giro hacia los servicios Libro electrónico
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 1997. Corporaciones transnacionales, estructura de mercado y política de competencia Libro electrónico
Multinationals in China. A harder road ahead. Life is getting tougher for foreign firms, but the fittest can still flourish The Economist
How red is your capitalism? Telling a state-controlled from a private firm can be tricky The Economist
Blockchains. The great chain of being sure about things. The technology behind bitcoin lets people who do not know or trust each other build a dependable ledger. This has implications far beyond the cryptocurrency The Economist
The promise of the blockchain. The trust machine. The technology behind bitcoin could transform how the economy works The Economist
Business and corruption. Robber barons, beware. A crackdown on corruption has spread anxiety among China’s business elite The Economist
American capitalism. Reinventing the deal. America’s startups are changing what it means to own a company The Economist
Business in China. Back to business. Despite China’s recent troubles, the prospects for its entrepreneurial private sector remain bright, says Vijay Vaitheeswaran The Economist
Global Banks. Emerging troubles. Banks that financed the boom in emerging markets are in a tricky spot The Economist
With great power. Markets are dangerously dependent on central banks The Economist
Management. Reinventing the company. Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism The Economist
The shake-up of America’s strengths The Economist
Peak profits. The age of the torporation. Big listed firms’ earnings have hit a wall of deflation and stagnation The Economist
Corruption and natural resources. A fight for light. NGOs and governments grapple over ownership of mining and energy firms The Economist
