Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
African firms and private equity. Climbing aboard the Africa train. Local firms gain more than investors when private equity arrives The Economist
Part-time palaver. Turning freelancers for firms like Uber into employees would not necessarily improve their lot The Economist
Risk-weighted capital. Whose model is it anyway? Regulators are taking a firmer stand on how banks gauge risk The Economist
The two Mexicos. With its combination of modernity and poverty, Mexico provides lessons for all emerging markets The Economist
A giant drinks merger. Beer monster. AB Inbev may combine with SABMiller, in a flat market for big beer brands The Economist
Agricultural biodiversity. Banks for bean counters. The wild ancestors of the world’s most important crops could help avert devastating problems. But time is running out to collect them The Economist
Foreign tech firms in China. Cards on the table. American tech firms may dislike China’s policies, but they cannot resist its market The Economist
Capitalismo y colapso climático / III Otra
Capitalismo y colapso climático / II Otra
Adaptation. If you can’t stand the heat. How farmers in poor countries are responding to climate change The Economist
Espacios de esperanza Libro
Africa´s Leaky Giant Artículo científico
China. Seeing daylight. The world’s biggest polluter cleans up The Economist
Energy. When the wind blows. Renewable power is good. More renewable power is not always better The Economist
The science of climate change. Supermodels. What is known about global warming—and what remains dark The Economist
Climate change. Hot and bothered. Not much has come of efforts to prevent climate change so far. Mankind will have to get better at tackling it—but must also learn to live with it, says Joel Budd The Economist
Marx y la Fractura en el Metabolismo Universal de la Naturaleza Artículo científico
What is consciousness? The hard problem. The final brief in our series looks at the most profound scientific mystery of all: the one that defines what it means to be human The Economist
The world economy. Pulled back in. The world is entering a third stage of a rolling debt crisis, this time centred on emerging markets The Economist
Rice in Asia Paddy-whacked. By meddling in the market for rice, Asian governments make their own citizens poorer The Economist
