Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Peabody Energy. The pits. The world’s biggest coal miner goes bust The Economist
Goldman Sachs. From the 1% to $1. The high-rolling investment bank courts small depositors The Economist
Oil markets. Drill will. America, not OPEC, decides the fate of global oil markets The Economist
Pemex. Turning the tanker. A daunting challenge faces the new boss of Mexico's oil giant The Economist
Bank of America. The limits of fasting. Severe cost-cutting is getting a giant of American banking only so far The Economist
Genetically modified crops. Gene-policy transfer. China may relax its almost total ban on growing GM food The Economist
Corporate propaganda. Sweet little lies. How to read between the lines of companies’accounts The Economist
El decrecimiento como solución a la crisis Artículo científico
Solar energy. Follow the sun. Solar power is reshaping energy production in the developing world The Economist
Solar energy. The new sunbathers. To see how bright the future of solar energy is, look to the developing world The Economist
Manufacturing. Not making it. A successful manufacturing sector requires many things that Africa lacks The Economist
Chile: Las nuevas formas del imperialismo. Artículo científico
Business in Africa. 1.2 billion opportunities. The commodity boom may be over, and barriers to doing business are everywhere. But Africa’s market of 1.2 billion people still holds huge promise, says Daniel Knowles The Economist
Business in Africa. Making Africa work. The continent’s future depends on people, not commodities The Economist
Oil and the economy. The oil conundrum. Plunging prices have neither halted oil production nor stimulated a surge in global growth The Economist
Las tres dimensiones de la crisis Artículo científico
Las empresas multinacionales Artículo científico
Tracking protest movements. A new kind of weather. Social media now play a key role in collective action The Economist
Artificial intelligence and Go. Showdown. Win or lose, a computer program’s contest against a professional Go player is another milestone in AI The Economist
Artificial intelligence and Go. A game-changing result. AlphaGo’s masters taught it the game, but an electrifying match shows what the computer may have to teach humans The Economist
