Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Corporate tax avoidance. Still slipping the net. Europe’s corporate-tax havens say they are reforming. Up to a point The Economist
Corporate taxation. New rules, same old paradigm. A plan to curb multinationals’ tax avoidance is an opportunity missed The Economist
Climate change. It’s getting hotter. At climate talks in Paris later this year, negotiators should ponder the damage already done The Economist
Markets and the environment. Domesday scenario. An emissions-trading scheme could be the first of many green markets The Economist
Oil companies in America. Debt and alive. A shakeout is finally hitting debt-strapped shale producers The Economist
Foreign takeovers in Australia. Selling the farm. The prospect of foreign ownership of two giant agri-businesses causes alarm The Economist
Mexico’s oilfield auction. Lessons learned. A better outcome, this time The Economist
Carmakers after the VW scandal. Good in parts. Volkswagen’s emissions scandal strengthens the arguments for motor-industry consolidation. But deals will be hard to achieve The Economist
¿Por qué tanta desigualdad? Libro
Laberintos de racionalidad. ¿Crisis civilizatoria? Libro
El impacto de las empresas transnacionales en el México contemporáneo y la frontera norte Artículo científico
The world economy. Dominant and dangerous. As America’s economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainable The Economist
Gigantesca filtración de registros financieros ‘offshore’ expone red global de crimen y corrupción Otra
A new world economic order. Glad confident mornings. Repairing the world’s economic architecture and working with China is in America’s interest The Economist
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 2011. Formas No Accionarias de Producción Internacional y Desarrollo. Libro electrónico
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 1995. Las Empresas Transnacionales y la Competitividad Libro electrónico
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. No pig in a poke. Genome engineering may help make porcine organs suitable for use in people The Economist
China. A longer march. China shakes the world—but not in the way it hoped The Economist
Vida artificial, ¿qué hay detrás? Otra
European Banks. Banking and nothingness. Europe’s dithering banks are losing ground to their decisive American rivals The Economist
