Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Digital Taylorism. A modern version of “scientific management” threatens to dehumanise the workplace The Economist
Mitsubishi in Mexico. A covenant of salt. An unusual Japanese-Mexican venture runs into trouble with auditors The Economist
Glencore and commodity traders. Nowhere to hide. Glencore’s woes put the spotlight on an industry unused to scrutiny The Economist
Business in China. The China that Works. If the economic miracle is to continue, officials must give the private sector more freedom The Economist
Reform. The good, the bad and the ugly. The bloated state-owned sector must be reformed so that private firms can compete on equal terms The Economist
Foreign investment. The new Silk Road. China’s latest wave of globalisers will enrich their country—and the world The Economist
SoftBank. Here comes the Son. Masayoshi Son has always bounced back from setbacks, but his latest big moves are raising eyebrows The Economist
Consumers. The wild, wild east. A booming middle class is creating the world’s most dynamic consumer market The Economist
Manufacturing. Still made in China. Chinese manufacturing remains second to none The Economist
Innovation. Fast and furious. Chinese private firms are embracing innovation The Economist
Entrepreneurship and technology. It’s all go. Technology is offering Chinese business a cornucopia of new opportunities The Economist
Oil companies and climate change. Nodding donkeys. Some oil majors are still ducking the issue of global warming The Economist
Private firms. Paper tiger, roaring dragon. It is the private sector, not state capitalism, that is responsible for modern China’s economic rise. The Economist
Rice. Hare-grained. Subsidies and other protections for rice farmers harm some of the world’s poorest people The Economist
Las empresas transnacionales: expansión a nivel mundial y proyección en la industria mexicana. Libro
The world economy. The never-ending story. First America, then Europe. Now the debt crisis has reached emerging markets The Economist
Renewable energy. Waving good buy? A hitherto-obscure piece of physics may be the secret to ocean power generation The Economist
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 1992. Empresas trasnacionales como motores de crecimiento Libro electrónico
Pharmaceuticals. Drug-fuelled couplings. Why giant mergers are especially popular among drugmakers The Economist
Informe sobre las inversiones en el mundo 1998. Tendencias y condicionantes Libro electrónico
