Bibliografías recientes

Título Fuente
Productos de exportación desplazan la siembra de alimentos básicos. Otra
Los vertebrados salvajes se han reducido de media un 69% en las últimas cinco décadas: aquí, algunas razones Otra
Crítica al tecnofeudalismo Otra
La COP27, sin acuerdo ambicioso sobre reducción de emisiones: WWF Otra
How a Quebec Lithium Mine May Help Make Electric Cars Affordable Otra
Apple Built Its Empire With China. Now Its Foundation Is Showing Cracks Otra
How Russia Pays for War Otra
Who's Driving Climate Change? New Data Catalogs 72,000 Polluters and Counting Otra
Making the money available. Public money must pave the way for private investment in climate-change adaptation The Economist
Business in America. Facebook and the conglomerate curse The Economist
In an Age of Constant Disaster, What Does It Mean to Rebuild? Otra
Unconscious decoupling. Economic growth no longer means higher carbon emissions The Economist
The Blackstone rebellion: how one country took on the world’s biggest commercial landlord Otra
To those who have... Money and moderately good governance make climate-change adaptation easier The Economist
We Need to Rethink How to Adapt to the Climate Crisis Otra
The challenge of the age. The world has to adapt to the climate change it will not avoid The Economist
1.5 °C degrowth scenarios suggest the need for new mitigation pathways Artículo científico
An inconvenient truth. The world is going to miss the totemic 1.5°C climate target The Economist
The Green Transition Is Happening Fast. The Climate Bill Will Only Speed It Up Otra
Here's Where the U.S. Is Testing a New Response to Rising Sea Otra
